161 lines
5.7 KiB
161 lines
5.7 KiB
# Maintainer: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <jan.steffens@gmail.com>
# Patched package maintainer: Saren Arterius <saren@wtako.net>
# Contributor: Ionut Biru <ibiru@archlinux.org>
# Contributor: Flamelab <panosfilip@gmail.com
pkgdesc="Next generation desktop shell"
depends=(accountsservice gcr gjs gnome-bluetooth upower gnome-session gnome-settings-daemon
gnome-themes-extra gsettings-desktop-schemas libcanberra-pulse libgdm libsecret
mutter nm-connection-editor unzip gstreamer libibus gnome-autoar)
makedepends=(gtk-doc gnome-control-center evolution-data-server gobject-introspection git meson
sassc asciidoc)
optdepends=('gnome-control-center: System settings'
'evolution-data-server: Evolution calendar integration')
provides=(gnome-shell gnome-shell=$pkgver)
_commit=4baa091bc54856b191394c70bcedcd3fb4d1a2b5 # tags/3.36.0^0
pkgver() {
cd $_pkgname
git describe --tags | sed 's/-/+/g'
hash_of() {
git log --oneline --all | grep "$1" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}'
git_cp_by_msg() {
# Comment: Saren found a way to fetch hash based on commit name. It's controversial but might be interesting to create a function to call for each MR to not have to update the hash at each>
h_first=$(hash_of "$2")
if [[ -n "$3" ]]; then
h_last=$(hash_of "$3")
echo "Found $h_first^$h_last for $1"
git cherry-pick -n -Xtheirs $h_first^..$h_last
echo "Found $h_first for $1"
git cherry-pick -n -Xtheirs $h_first
prepare() {
cd $_pkgname
### Adding and fetching remotes providing the selected merge-requests
git cherry-pick --abort || true
# git remote add verde https://gitlab.gnome.org/verdre/gnome-shell.git || true
# git fetch verde
git remote add 3v1n0 https://gitlab.gnome.org/3v1n0/gnome-shell || true
git fetch 3v1n0
git remote add vanvugt https://gitlab.gnome.org/vanvugt/gnome-shell.git || true
git fetch vanvugt
### Merge Requests
# Merge Request Prototype
# Title:
# URL:
# Type:
# Status:
# Comment:
# git cherry-pick -n first_commit^..last_commit
# Possible Status:
# 1. Needs rebase: Conflicts with master branch.
# 2. Needs review: Mutter maintainers needs to review the new/updated MR and provide feedback.
# 3. Needs changes: MR needs to be adjusted based on maintainers feedback.
# 4. Merged: MR approved and it changes commited to master.
# Generally, a MR status oscillate between 2 and 3 and then becomes 4.
# Possible Type:
# 1. Improvement: Makes an already existing feature behave better, more efficiently/reliably.
# 2. Feature: Adds a new functionality.
# 3. Fix: Regression/bug fix only available in master (not backported).
# 4. Cleanup: Code styling improvement, function deprecation, rearrangement...
# Title: St theme: use css instance data
# URL: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/536
# Type: 2
# Status: 3
# Comment: Crash fix for st_theme_get_custom_stylesheets
git_cp_by_msg '!536' 'st-theme: Use CRStyleSheet app_data instead of hash map' 'st-theme: Use glib auto free/ptr features'
# Title: Some fixes for setting key focus of the closeDialog
# URL: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/786
# Type: 3
# Status: 2
# Comment:
git cherry-pick -n 184ce007^..c328f4f3
# Title: js/ui: Keep refcounts to WallClock objects above 1. [performance]
# URL: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/923
# Type: 1
# Status: 2
# Comment: Unlock freezes, it hits me too.
# git_cp_by_msg '!923' 'js/ui: Keep refcounts to WallClock objects above 1.'
# Title: js/ui: Subscribe touchpad gesture handlers to only touchpad events [performance]
# URL: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/925
# Type: 1
# Status: 1
# Comment:
# git_cp_by_msg '!925' 'js/ui: Subscribe touchpad gesture handlers to only touchpad events'
# git cherry-pick -n 30a25112
# Title: iconGrid.js: Animate icon spring using translation [performance]
# URL: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/926
# Type: 1
# Status: 3
# Comment:
git_cp_by_msg '!926' 'iconGrid.js: Animate icon spring using translation'
# Title: workspace: Animate window clones using translation properties
# URL: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/936
# Type: 1
# Status: 2
# Comment:
git_cp_by_msg '!936' 'dnd: Make DND translation-property-aware' 'workspace: Animate window clones using translation properties'
# Title: workspace: Animate window clones using translation properties
# URL: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/936
# Type: 1
# Status: 2
# Comment:
git_cp_by_msg '!936' 'dnd: Make DND translation-property-aware' 'workspace: Animate window clones using translation properties'
# Title: overviewControls: Use ClutterActor's translation-x
# URL: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/948
# Type: 1
# Status: 4
# Comment:
git_cp_by_msg '!948' "overviewControls: Use ClutterActor's translation-x"
git submodule init
git submodule set-url subprojects/gvc "$srcdir/libgnome-volume-control"
git submodule update
build() {
arch-meson $_pkgname build -D gtk_doc=true
ninja -C build
package() {
DESTDIR="$pkgdir" meson install -C build