# Patched package: # Maintainer: Térence Clastres # Co-maintainer: Saren Arterius # Co-maintainer: Mingi Sung # Official package: # Maintainer: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) # Contributor: Ionut Biru # Contributor: Michael Kanis ### PACKAGE OPTIONS ## MERGE REQUESTS SELECTION # Merge Requests List: ('579' '1441' '3751') _merge_requests_to_use=('1441' '3751') ### IMPORTANT: Do no edit below this line unless you know what you're doing! _pkgname=mutter pkgname=mutter-performance epoch=1 pkgver=47.1.r2.g74cf8ac0f pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="A window manager for GNOME | Attempts to improve performances with non-upstreamed merge-requests and frequent stable branch resync" url="https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter" arch=(x86_64 aarch64) license=(GPL-2.0-or-later) depends=( at-spi2-core cairo colord dconf fontconfig fribidi gcc-libs gdk-pixbuf2 glib2 glibc gnome-desktop-4 gnome-settings-daemon graphene gsettings-desktop-schemas gtk4 harfbuzz iio-sensor-proxy lcms2 libcanberra libcolord libdisplay-info libdrm libei libglvnd libgudev libice libinput libpipewire libsm libsysprof-capture libwacom libx11 libxau libxcb libxcomposite libxcursor libxdamage libxext libxfixes libxi libxinerama libxkbcommon libxkbcommon-x11 libxkbfile libxrandr libxtst mesa pango pipewire pixman python startup-notification systemd-libs wayland xorg-xwayland ) makedepends=( egl-wayland gi-docgen git glib2-devel gobject-introspection gtk3 meson sysprof wayland-protocols xorg-server xorg-server-xvfb ) _commit=74cf8ac0f070c52c63fa1613b7ea68124ce52557 # tags/47.1^2 source=("git+$url.git#commit=$_commit" "git+https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gvdb.git#commit=b54bc5da25127ef416858a3ad92e57159ff565b3" 'mr1441.patch' 'mr3751.patch') sha256sums=('6ba3d155e5b3d949cee82c2b5b6711b6f5be37b78c6614c8099368bc57c4a6bf' 'ba56c003c1c16f1f8e411f6d5213878bcf059d4d39ece100fc414228a1bf22d5' 'e045bcfbf78b56327970667f6b285da004259af3012b2cfd7832bcf7c19b04e6' '67943a22cb75df955fc475e5ae101984d87e4a1f51d56be5f50696cc3355a3c4') b2sums=('b753b64fcb62d2fa7db374414671992f4100d201bcf4bb5472e479d1765e8a7e88dc6ae99517bf542c67f37172c3301707ae0e17f30b5c0a8b899bcec6afb671' 'f989bc2ceb52aad3c6a23c439df3bbc672bc11d561a247d19971d30cc85ed5d42295de40f8e55b13404ed32aa44f12307c9f5b470f2e288d1c9c8329255c43bf' '6fb581581d0fe819ff75ac330e2c3a2b316eb5aea5bdf5719bd906d0506c6327b1b09f4925f0f5557b128a5218de684458b589d8a7e30b22c03f18c5c28aaf42' 'e13742a68cd831827e88ddf1801caca39fa9c77dd8c08a851bc87914f2961119fc1a7643628fc63cad8dedf03533148539a242cca23313c250bd65867ea84d8d') pkgver() { cd $_pkgname git describe --tags --abbrev=9 | sed -r 's/\.([a-z])/\1/;s/([a-z])\./\1/;s/[^-]*-g/r&/;s/-/\./g' } pick_mr() { for mr in "${_merge_requests_to_use[@]}"; do if [ "$1" = "$mr" ]; then if [ "$2" = "merge" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then msg2 "Downloading then Merging $1..." curl -O "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/$mr.diff" git apply "$mr.diff" elif [ "$3" = "revert" ]; then msg2 "Reverting $1..." git revert "$2" --no-commit elif [ "$3" = "patch" ]; then if [ -e ../"$2" ]; then msg2 "Patching with $2..." patch -Np1 -i ../"$2" else msg2 "Downloading $mr as $2 then patching..." curl -O "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/$mr.diff" -o "$2" patch -Np1 -i "$2" fi else msg2 "ERROR: wrong argument given: $2" fi break fi done } prepare() { cd $_pkgname git reset --hard git cherry-pick --abort || true git clean -fd #git remote add vanvugt https://gitlab.gnome.org/vanvugt/mutter.git || true #git remote add verdre https://gitlab.gnome.org/verdre/mutter.git || true #git remote add 3v1no https://gitlab.gnome.org/3v1n0/mutter.git || true #git fetch vanvugt #git fetch verdre #git fetch 3v1no ### Merge Requests # Merge Request Prototype # Title: # Author: # URL: # Type: # Status: # Comment: # git cherry-pick -n first_commit^..last_commit # # Possible Type: # 1. Improvement: Makes an already existing feature behave better, more efficiently/reliably. # 2. Feature: Adds a new functionality. # 3. Fix: Regression/bug fix only available in master (not backported). # 4. Cleanup: Code styling improvement, function deprecation, rearrangement... # # Possible Status: # 1. Needs rebase: Conflicts with master branch. # 2. Needs review: Mutter maintainers needs to review the new/updated MR and provide feedback. # 3. Needs changes: MR needs to be adjusted based on maintainers feedback. # 4. Merged: MR approved and it changes commited to master. # # Generally, a MR status oscillate between 2 and 3 and then becomes 4. # Title: backends: Do not reload keymap on new keyboard notifications # Author: Carlos Garnacho # URL: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/579 # Type: 1 # Status: 4 # Comment: Was reverted: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/833 # If you use stenography software or play hardcore rhythm games like Lunatic Rave 2/osumania, use it. pick_mr '579' ce86f90efbaa51522ba14c5b4cad933c2106de42 'revert' # Title: wayland/text-input-v1: Implement basic text-input-v1 support # Author: Alynx Zhou # URL: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/3751 # Type: 1 # Status: Not gonna be merged considering the maintainers' feedbacks. # Comment: This commit makes input methods work in text-input-v1 only clients. # (mostly Chromium/Electron based apps with Ozone Wayland.) pick_mr '3751' 'mr3751.patch' 'patch' # Title: Draft: Dynamic triple/double buffering (v4) # Author: Daniel van Vugt # URL: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/1441 # Type: 1 # Status: 2 & 3 # Comment: Helps GPU frequencies to scale up. # Included: !3961 !4015 !4027 !4057 pick_mr '1441' 'mr1441.patch' 'patch' } build() { local meson_options=( -D egl_device=true -D wayland_eglstream=true -D installed_tests=false -D libdisplay_info=enabled -D docs=false -D tests=disabled ) CFLAGS="${CFLAGS/-O2/-O3} -fno-semantic-interposition" LDFLAGS+=" -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions" # Inject gvdb export MESON_PACKAGE_CACHE_DIR="$srcdir" arch-meson $_pkgname build "${meson_options[@]}" meson compile -C build } package() { provides=(mutter libmutter-15.so) conflicts=(mutter) groups=(gnome) meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir" }