/* Metacity window deletion */ /* * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Havoc Pennington * Copyright (C) 2004 Elijah Newren * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "util.h" #include "window.h" #include "errors.h" #include "workspace.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void meta_window_present_delete_dialog (MetaWindow *window); static void delete_ping_reply_func (MetaDisplay *display, Window xwindow, Time timestamp, void *user_data) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PING, "Got reply to delete ping for %s\n", ((MetaWindow*)user_data)->desc); /* we do nothing */ } static Window window_from_string (const char *str) { char *end; unsigned long l; end = NULL; l = strtoul (str, &end, 16); if (end == NULL || end == str) { meta_warning (_("Could not parse \"%s\" as an integer"), str); return None; } if (*end != '\0') { meta_warning (_("Did not understand trailing characters \"%s\" in string \"%s\""), end, str); return None; } return l; } static int pid_from_string (const char *str) { char *end; long l; end = NULL; l = strtol (str, &end, 10); if (end == NULL || end == str) { meta_warning (_("Could not parse \"%s\" as an integer"), str); return None; } if (*end != '\0') { meta_warning (_("Did not understand trailing characters \"%s\" in string \"%s\""), end, str); return None; } return l; } static gboolean parse_dialog_output (const char *str, int *pid_out, Window *win_out) { char **split; split = g_strsplit (str, "\n", 2); if (split && split[0] && split[1]) { g_strchomp (split[0]); g_strchomp (split[1]); *pid_out = pid_from_string (split[0]); *win_out = window_from_string (split[1]); g_strfreev (split); return TRUE; } else { g_strfreev (split); meta_warning (_("Failed to parse message \"%s\" from dialog process\n"), str); return FALSE; } } static void search_and_destroy_window (int pid, Window xwindow) { /* Find the window with the given dialog PID, * double check that it matches "xwindow", then * kill the window. */ GSList *tmp; gboolean found; if (xwindow == None) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PING, "Window to destroy is None, doing nothing\n"); return; } found = FALSE; tmp = meta_displays_list (); while (tmp != NULL) { GSList *windows = meta_display_list_windows (tmp->data); GSList *tmp2; tmp2 = windows; while (tmp2 != NULL) { MetaWindow *w = tmp2->data; if (w->dialog_pid == pid) { if (w->xwindow != xwindow) meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PING, "Dialog pid matches but not xwindow (0x%lx vs. 0x%lx)\n", w->xwindow, xwindow); else { meta_window_kill (w); found = TRUE; } } tmp2 = tmp2->next; } g_slist_free (windows); tmp = tmp->next; } if (!found) meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PING, "Did not find a window with dialog pid %d xwindow 0x%lx\n", pid, xwindow); } static void release_window_with_fd (int fd) { /* Find the window with the given dialog PID, * double check that it matches "xwindow", then * kill the window. */ GSList *tmp; gboolean found; found = FALSE; tmp = meta_displays_list (); while (tmp != NULL) { GSList *windows = meta_display_list_windows (tmp->data); GSList *tmp2; tmp2 = windows; while (tmp2 != NULL) { MetaWindow *w = tmp2->data; if (w->dialog_pid >= 0 && w->dialog_pipe == fd) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PING, "Removing dialog with fd %d pid %d from window %s\n", fd, w->dialog_pid, w->desc); meta_window_free_delete_dialog (w); found = TRUE; } tmp2 = tmp2->next; } g_slist_free (windows); tmp = tmp->next; } if (!found) meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PING, "Did not find a window with a dialog pipe %d\n", fd); } static gboolean io_from_ping_dialog (GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PING, "IO handler from ping dialog, condition = %x\n", condition); if (condition & G_IO_IN) { char *str; int len; GError *err; /* Go ahead and block for all data from child */ str = NULL; len = 0; err = NULL; g_io_channel_read_to_end (channel, &str, &len, &err); if (err) { meta_warning (_("Error reading from dialog display process: %s\n"), err->message); g_error_free (err); } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PING, "Read %d bytes strlen %d \"%s\" from child\n", len, str ? strlen (str) : 0, str ? str : "NULL"); if (len > 0) { /* We're supposed to kill the given window */ int pid; Window xwindow; if (parse_dialog_output (str, &pid, &xwindow)) search_and_destroy_window (pid, xwindow); } g_free (str); } release_window_with_fd (g_io_channel_unix_get_fd (channel)); /* Remove the callback */ return FALSE; } static void delete_ping_timeout_func (MetaDisplay *display, Window xwindow, Time timestamp, void *user_data) { MetaWindow *window = user_data; GError *err; int child_pid; int outpipe; char *argv[9]; char numbuf[32]; char timestampbuf[32]; char *window_id_str; GIOChannel *channel; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PING, "Got delete ping timeout for %s\n", window->desc); if (window->dialog_pid >= 0) { meta_window_present_delete_dialog (window); return; } window_id_str = g_strdup_printf ("0x%lx", window->xwindow); sprintf (numbuf, "%d", window->screen->number); sprintf (timestampbuf, "%lu", timestamp); argv[0] = METACITY_LIBEXECDIR"/metacity-dialog"; argv[1] = "--screen"; argv[2] = numbuf; argv[3] = "--timestamp"; argv[4] = timestampbuf; argv[5] = "--kill-window-question"; argv[6] = window->title; argv[7] = window_id_str; argv[8] = NULL; err = NULL; if (!g_spawn_async_with_pipes ("/", argv, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &child_pid, NULL, &outpipe, NULL, &err)) { meta_warning (_("Error launching metacity-dialog to ask about killing an application: %s\n"), err->message); g_error_free (err); goto out; } window->dialog_pid = child_pid; window->dialog_pipe = outpipe; channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (window->dialog_pipe); g_io_add_watch_full (channel, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL, io_from_ping_dialog, NULL, NULL); g_io_channel_unref (channel); out: g_free (window_id_str); } void meta_window_delete (MetaWindow *window, Time timestamp) { meta_error_trap_push (window->display); if (window->delete_window) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Deleting %s with delete_window request\n", window->desc); meta_window_send_icccm_message (window, window->display->atom_wm_delete_window, timestamp); } else { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Deleting %s with explicit kill\n", window->desc); XKillClient (window->display->xdisplay, window->xwindow); } meta_error_trap_pop (window->display, FALSE); meta_display_ping_window (window->display, window, timestamp, delete_ping_reply_func, delete_ping_timeout_func, window); if (window->has_focus) { /* FIXME Clean this up someday * http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=108706 */ #if 0 /* This is unfortunately going to result in weirdness * if the window doesn't respond to the delete event. * I don't know how to avoid that though. */ meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Focusing default window because focus window %s was deleted/killed\n", window->desc); meta_workspace_focus_default_window (window->screen->active_workspace, window); #else meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Not unfocusing %s on delete/kill\n", window->desc); #endif } else { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, "Window %s was deleted/killed but didn't have focus\n", window->desc); } } void meta_window_kill (MetaWindow *window) { char buf[257]; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Killing %s brutally\n", window->desc); if (window->wm_client_machine != NULL && window->net_wm_pid > 0) { if (gethostname (buf, sizeof(buf)-1) == 0) { if (strcmp (buf, window->wm_client_machine) == 0) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Killing %s with kill()\n", window->desc); if (kill (window->net_wm_pid, 9) < 0) meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Failed to signal %s: %s\n", window->desc, strerror (errno)); } } else { meta_warning (_("Failed to get hostname: %s\n"), strerror (errno)); } } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, "Disconnecting %s with XKillClient()\n", window->desc); meta_error_trap_push (window->display); XKillClient (window->display->xdisplay, window->xwindow); meta_error_trap_pop (window->display, FALSE); } void meta_window_free_delete_dialog (MetaWindow *window) { if (window->dialog_pid >= 0) { kill (window->dialog_pid, 9); close (window->dialog_pipe); window->dialog_pid = -1; window->dialog_pipe = -1; } } static void meta_window_present_delete_dialog (MetaWindow *window) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_PING, "Presenting existing ping dialog for %s\n", window->desc); if (window->dialog_pid >= 0) { GSList *windows; GSList *tmp; /* Activate transient for window that belongs to * metacity-dialog */ windows = meta_display_list_windows (window->display); tmp = windows; while (tmp != NULL) { MetaWindow *w = tmp->data; if (w->xtransient_for == window->xwindow && w->res_class && g_strcasecmp (w->res_class, "metacity-dialog") == 0) { meta_window_activate (w, meta_display_get_current_time (w->display)); break; } tmp = tmp->next; } g_slist_free (windows); } }