#include "cb-background-effect.h" G_DEFINE_TYPE (CbBackgroundEffect, cb_background_effect, CLUTTER_TYPE_EFFECT); #define CB_BACKGROUND_EFFECT_GET_PRIVATE(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((obj), \ CB_TYPE_BACKGROUND_EFFECT, \ CbBackgroundEffectPrivate)) struct _CbBackgroundEffectPrivate { CoglMaterial *background; CoglColor *color; }; /* ClutterEffect implementation */ /* note that if pre_paint() returns FALSE * any post_paint() defined for the effect will not be called */ static gboolean cb_background_effect_pre_paint (ClutterEffect *self) { ClutterActor *actor; gfloat width; gfloat height; CbBackgroundEffectPrivate *priv; priv = CB_BACKGROUND_EFFECT (self)->priv; /* get the associated actor's dimensions */ actor = clutter_actor_meta_get_actor (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (self)); clutter_actor_get_size (actor, &width, &height); /* draw a grey Cogl rectangle in the background */ cogl_set_source (priv->background); cogl_rectangle (0, 0, width, height); return TRUE; } /* GObject implementation */ static void cb_background_effect_dispose (GObject *gobject) { CbBackgroundEffectPrivate *priv = CB_BACKGROUND_EFFECT (gobject)->priv; if (priv->background != COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) { cogl_handle_unref (priv->background); priv->background = COGL_INVALID_HANDLE; } if (priv->color != NULL) { cogl_color_free (priv->color); priv->color = NULL; } G_OBJECT_CLASS (cb_background_effect_parent_class)->dispose (gobject); } static void cb_background_effect_class_init (CbBackgroundEffectClass *klass) { ClutterEffectClass *effect_class = CLUTTER_EFFECT_CLASS (klass); GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); effect_class->pre_paint = cb_background_effect_pre_paint; gobject_class->dispose = cb_background_effect_dispose; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (CbBackgroundEffectPrivate)); } static void cb_background_effect_init (CbBackgroundEffect *self) { CbBackgroundEffectPrivate *priv; priv = self->priv = CB_BACKGROUND_EFFECT_GET_PRIVATE (self); priv->background = cogl_material_new (); /* grey color for filling the background material */ priv->color = cogl_color_new (); cogl_color_init_from_4ub (priv->color, 122, 122, 122, 255); cogl_material_set_color (priv->background, priv->color); } /* public API */ /** * cb_background_effect_new: * * Creates a new #ClutterEffect which adds a grey background * when applied to a rectangular actor. */ ClutterEffect * cb_background_effect_new () { return g_object_new (CB_TYPE_BACKGROUND_EFFECT, NULL); }