/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* * meta-background-actor.c: Actor for painting the root window background * * Copyright 2009 Sander Dijkhuis * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * * Portions adapted from gnome-shell/src/shell-global.c */ #include #define COGL_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_API #include #define CLUTTER_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_API #include #include #include "cogl-utils.h" #include "compositor-private.h" #include #include "meta-background-actor-private.h" /* We allow creating multiple MetaBackgroundActors for the same MetaScreen to * allow different rendering options to be set for different copies. * But we want to share the same underlying CoglTexture for efficiency and * to avoid driver bugs that might occur if we created multiple CoglTexturePixmaps * for the same pixmap. * * This structure holds common information. */ typedef struct _MetaScreenBackground MetaScreenBackground; struct _MetaScreenBackground { MetaScreen *screen; GSList *actors; float texture_width; float texture_height; CoglHandle texture; CoglMaterialWrapMode wrap_mode; guint have_pixmap : 1; }; struct _MetaBackgroundActorPrivate { MetaScreenBackground *background; CoglHandle material; cairo_region_t *visible_region; float dim_factor; }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_DIM_FACTOR, PROP_LAST }; static GParamSpec *obj_props[PROP_LAST]; G_DEFINE_TYPE (MetaBackgroundActor, meta_background_actor, CLUTTER_TYPE_ACTOR); static void set_texture (MetaScreenBackground *background, CoglHandle texture); static void set_texture_to_stage_color (MetaScreenBackground *background); static void on_notify_stage_color (GObject *stage, GParamSpec *pspec, MetaScreenBackground *background) { if (!background->have_pixmap) set_texture_to_stage_color (background); } static void free_screen_background (MetaScreenBackground *background) { set_texture (background, COGL_INVALID_HANDLE); if (background->screen != NULL) { ClutterActor *stage = meta_get_stage_for_screen (background->screen); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (stage, (gpointer) on_notify_stage_color, background); background->screen = NULL; } } static MetaScreenBackground * meta_screen_background_get (MetaScreen *screen) { MetaScreenBackground *background; background = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (screen), "meta-screen-background"); if (background == NULL) { ClutterActor *stage; background = g_new0 (MetaScreenBackground, 1); background->screen = screen; g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (screen), "meta-screen-background", background, (GDestroyNotify) free_screen_background); stage = meta_get_stage_for_screen (screen); g_signal_connect (stage, "notify::color", G_CALLBACK (on_notify_stage_color), background); meta_background_actor_update (screen); } return background; } static void update_wrap_mode_of_actor (MetaBackgroundActor *self) { MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv = self->priv; cogl_material_set_layer_wrap_mode (priv->material, 0, priv->background->wrap_mode); } static void update_wrap_mode (MetaScreenBackground *background) { GSList *l; int width, height; meta_screen_get_size (background->screen, &width, &height); /* We turn off repeating when we have a full-screen pixmap to keep from * getting artifacts from one side of the image sneaking into the other * side of the image via bilinear filtering. */ if (width == background->texture_width && height == background->texture_height) background->wrap_mode = COGL_MATERIAL_WRAP_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; else background->wrap_mode = COGL_MATERIAL_WRAP_MODE_REPEAT; for (l = background->actors; l; l = l->next) update_wrap_mode_of_actor (l->data); } static void set_texture_on_actor (MetaBackgroundActor *self) { MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv = self->priv; MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (priv->background->screen); /* This may trigger destruction of an old texture pixmap, which, if * the underlying X pixmap is already gone has the tendency to trigger * X errors inside DRI. For safety, trap errors */ meta_error_trap_push (display); cogl_material_set_layer (priv->material, 0, priv->background->texture); meta_error_trap_pop (display); clutter_actor_queue_redraw (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self)); } static void set_texture (MetaScreenBackground *background, CoglHandle texture) { MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (background->screen); GSList *l; /* This may trigger destruction of an old texture pixmap, which, if * the underlying X pixmap is already gone has the tendency to trigger * X errors inside DRI. For safety, trap errors */ meta_error_trap_push (display); if (background->texture != COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) { cogl_handle_unref (background->texture); background->texture = COGL_INVALID_HANDLE; } meta_error_trap_pop (display); if (texture != COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) background->texture = cogl_handle_ref (texture); background->texture_width = cogl_texture_get_width (background->texture); background->texture_height = cogl_texture_get_height (background->texture); for (l = background->actors; l; l = l->next) set_texture_on_actor (l->data); update_wrap_mode (background); } /* Sets our material to paint with a 1x1 texture of the stage's background * color; doing this when we have no pixmap allows the application to turn * off painting the stage. There might be a performance benefit to * painting in this case with a solid color, but the normal solid color * case is a 1x1 root pixmap, so we'd have to reverse-engineer that to * actually pick up the (small?) performance win. This is just a fallback. */ static void set_texture_to_stage_color (MetaScreenBackground *background) { ClutterActor *stage = meta_get_stage_for_screen (background->screen); ClutterColor color; CoglHandle texture; clutter_stage_get_color (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), &color); /* Slicing will prevent COGL from using hardware texturing for * the tiled 1x1 pixmap, and will cause it to draw the window * background in millions of separate 1x1 rectangles */ texture = meta_create_color_texture_4ub (color.red, color.green, color.blue, 0xff, COGL_TEXTURE_NO_SLICING); set_texture (background, texture); cogl_handle_unref (texture); } static void meta_background_actor_dispose (GObject *object) { MetaBackgroundActor *self = META_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (object); MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv = self->priv; meta_background_actor_set_visible_region (self, NULL); if (priv->background != NULL) { priv->background->actors = g_slist_remove (priv->background->actors, self); priv->background = NULL; } if (priv->material != COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) { cogl_handle_unref (priv->material); priv->material = COGL_INVALID_HANDLE; } G_OBJECT_CLASS (meta_background_actor_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void meta_background_actor_get_preferred_width (ClutterActor *actor, gfloat for_height, gfloat *min_width_p, gfloat *natural_width_p) { MetaBackgroundActor *self = META_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (actor); MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv = self->priv; int width, height; meta_screen_get_size (priv->background->screen, &width, &height); if (min_width_p) *min_width_p = width; if (natural_width_p) *natural_width_p = width; } static void meta_background_actor_get_preferred_height (ClutterActor *actor, gfloat for_width, gfloat *min_height_p, gfloat *natural_height_p) { MetaBackgroundActor *self = META_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (actor); MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv = self->priv; int width, height; meta_screen_get_size (priv->background->screen, &width, &height); if (min_height_p) *min_height_p = height; if (natural_height_p) *natural_height_p = height; } static void meta_background_actor_paint (ClutterActor *actor) { MetaBackgroundActor *self = META_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (actor); MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv = self->priv; guint8 opacity = clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity (actor); guint8 color_component; int width, height; meta_screen_get_size (priv->background->screen, &width, &height); color_component = (int)(0.5 + opacity * priv->dim_factor); cogl_material_set_color4ub (priv->material, color_component, color_component, color_component, opacity); cogl_set_source (priv->material); if (priv->visible_region) { int n_rectangles = cairo_region_num_rectangles (priv->visible_region); int i; for (i = 0; i < n_rectangles; i++) { cairo_rectangle_int_t rect; cairo_region_get_rectangle (priv->visible_region, i, &rect); cogl_rectangle_with_texture_coords (rect.x, rect.y, rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height, rect.x / priv->background->texture_width, rect.y / priv->background->texture_height, (rect.x + rect.width) / priv->background->texture_width, (rect.y + rect.height) / priv->background->texture_height); } } else { cogl_rectangle_with_texture_coords (0.0f, 0.0f, width, height, 0.0f, 0.0f, width / priv->background->texture_width, height / priv->background->texture_height); } } static gboolean meta_background_actor_get_paint_volume (ClutterActor *actor, ClutterPaintVolume *volume) { MetaBackgroundActor *self = META_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (actor); MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv = self->priv; int width, height; meta_screen_get_size (priv->background->screen, &width, &height); clutter_paint_volume_set_width (volume, width); clutter_paint_volume_set_height (volume, height); return TRUE; } static void meta_background_actor_set_dim_factor (MetaBackgroundActor *self, gfloat dim_factor) { MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv = self->priv; if (priv->dim_factor == dim_factor) return; priv->dim_factor = dim_factor; clutter_actor_queue_redraw (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self)); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), obj_props[PROP_DIM_FACTOR]); } static void meta_background_actor_get_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { MetaBackgroundActor *self = META_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (object); MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv = self->priv; switch (prop_id) { case PROP_DIM_FACTOR: g_value_set_float (value, priv->dim_factor); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void meta_background_actor_set_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { MetaBackgroundActor *self = META_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_DIM_FACTOR: meta_background_actor_set_dim_factor (self, g_value_get_float (value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void meta_background_actor_class_init (MetaBackgroundActorClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); ClutterActorClass *actor_class = CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (klass); GParamSpec *pspec; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (MetaBackgroundActorPrivate)); object_class->dispose = meta_background_actor_dispose; object_class->get_property = meta_background_actor_get_property; object_class->set_property = meta_background_actor_set_property; actor_class->get_preferred_width = meta_background_actor_get_preferred_width; actor_class->get_preferred_height = meta_background_actor_get_preferred_height; actor_class->paint = meta_background_actor_paint; actor_class->get_paint_volume = meta_background_actor_get_paint_volume; /** * MetaBackgroundActor:dim-factor: * * Factor to dim the background by, between 0.0 (black) and 1.0 (original * colors) */ pspec = g_param_spec_float ("dim-factor", "Dim factor", "Factor to dim the background by", 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, G_PARAM_READWRITE); obj_props[PROP_DIM_FACTOR] = pspec; g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DIM_FACTOR, pspec); } static void meta_background_actor_init (MetaBackgroundActor *self) { MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv; priv = self->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, META_TYPE_BACKGROUND_ACTOR, MetaBackgroundActorPrivate); priv->dim_factor = 1.0; } /** * meta_background_actor_new: * @screen: the #MetaScreen * * Creates a new actor to draw the background for the given screen. * * Return value: the newly created background actor */ ClutterActor * meta_background_actor_new_for_screen (MetaScreen *screen) { MetaBackgroundActor *self; MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_SCREEN (screen), NULL); self = g_object_new (META_TYPE_BACKGROUND_ACTOR, NULL); priv = self->priv; priv->background = meta_screen_background_get (screen); priv->background->actors = g_slist_prepend (priv->background->actors, self); priv->material = meta_create_texture_material (NULL); set_texture_on_actor (self); update_wrap_mode_of_actor (self); return CLUTTER_ACTOR (self); } /** * meta_background_actor_update: * @screen: a #MetaScreen * * Refetches the _XROOTPMAP_ID property for the root window and updates * the contents of the background actor based on that. There's no attempt * to optimize out pixmap values that don't change (since a root pixmap * could be replaced by with another pixmap with the same ID under some * circumstances), so this should only be called when we actually receive * a PropertyNotify event for the property. */ void meta_background_actor_update (MetaScreen *screen) { MetaScreenBackground *background; MetaDisplay *display; MetaCompositor *compositor; Atom type; int format; gulong nitems; gulong bytes_after; guchar *data; Pixmap root_pixmap_id; background = meta_screen_background_get (screen); display = meta_screen_get_display (screen); compositor = meta_display_get_compositor (display); root_pixmap_id = None; if (!XGetWindowProperty (meta_display_get_xdisplay (display), meta_screen_get_xroot (screen), compositor->atom_x_root_pixmap, 0, LONG_MAX, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &data) && type != None) { /* Got a property. */ if (type == XA_PIXMAP && format == 32 && nitems == 1) { /* Was what we expected. */ root_pixmap_id = *(Pixmap *)data; } XFree(data); } if (root_pixmap_id != None) { CoglHandle texture; CoglContext *ctx = clutter_backend_get_cogl_context (clutter_get_default_backend ()); GError *error = NULL; meta_error_trap_push (display); texture = cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new (ctx, root_pixmap_id, FALSE, &error); meta_error_trap_pop (display); if (texture != COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) { set_texture (background, texture); cogl_handle_unref (texture); background->have_pixmap = True; return; } else { g_warning ("Failed to create background texture from pixmap: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } } background->have_pixmap = False; set_texture_to_stage_color (background); } /** * meta_background_actor_set_visible_region: * @self: a #MetaBackgroundActor * @visible_region: (allow-none): the area of the actor (in allocate-relative * coordinates) that is visible. * * Sets the area of the background that is unobscured by overlapping windows. * This is used to optimize and only paint the visible portions. */ void meta_background_actor_set_visible_region (MetaBackgroundActor *self, cairo_region_t *visible_region) { MetaBackgroundActorPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (META_IS_BACKGROUND_ACTOR (self)); priv = self->priv; if (priv->visible_region) { cairo_region_destroy (priv->visible_region); priv->visible_region = NULL; } if (visible_region) { cairo_rectangle_int_t screen_rect = { 0 }; meta_screen_get_size (priv->background->screen, &screen_rect.width, &screen_rect.height); /* Doing the intersection here is probably unnecessary - MetaWindowGroup * should never compute a visible area that's larger than the root screen! * but it's not that expensive and adds some extra robustness. */ priv->visible_region = cairo_region_create_rectangle (&screen_rect); cairo_region_intersect (priv->visible_region, visible_region); } } /** * meta_background_actor_screen_size_changed: * @screen: a #MetaScreen * * Called by the compositor when the size of the #MetaScreen changes */ void meta_background_actor_screen_size_changed (MetaScreen *screen) { MetaScreenBackground *background = meta_screen_background_get (screen); GSList *l; update_wrap_mode (background); for (l = background->actors; l; l = l->next) clutter_actor_queue_relayout (l->data); }