#!/bin/sh # The ClutterFixed type and macros now use floats, but we are keeping the # CoglFixed type + macros using fixed point so now we convert all uses of # the Cogl fixed point macros within Clutter proper to use the ClutterFixed # macros instead. find ./clutter -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.c' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_MUL/CLUTTER_FIXED_MUL/g' {} \; find ./clutter -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.c' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_DIV/CLUTTER_FIXED_DIV/g' {} \; find ./clutter -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.c' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_FAST_MUL/CLUTTER_FIXED_MUL/g' {} \; find ./clutter -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.c' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_FAST_DIV/CLUTTER_FIXED_DIV/g' {} \; find ./clutter -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.c' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_FROM_FLOAT/CLUTTER_FLOAT_TO_FIXED/g' {} \; find ./clutter -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.c' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_TO_FLOAT/CLUTTER_FIXED_TO_FLOAT/g' {} \; find ./clutter -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.c' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_TO_DOUBLE/CLUTTER_FIXED_TO_DOUBLE/g' {} \; find ./clutter -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.c' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_PI/CFX_PI/g' {} \; # All remaining uses of the Cogl fixed point API now get expanded out to simply # use float calculations... (we will restore the cogl-fixed code itself later) # XXX: This assumes that no nested function - with multiple arguments - is ever # found as the RHS argument to COGL_FIXED_MUL. This is because we simply replace # the last ',' with the * operator. If you want to double check that's still true: # $ grep -r --include=*.c COGL_FIXED_MUL *|less find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i -r 's/COGL_FIXED_MUL (.*),/\1 */g' {} \; # XXX: We use the same assumption here... find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i -r 's|COGL_FIXED_FAST_DIV (.*),|\1 /|g' {} \; # XXX: And again here. (Note in this case there were examples of COGL_FIXED_MUL # being used as the RHS argument, but since we have already replaced instances # of COGL_FIXED_MUL, that works out ok. find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i -r 's|COGL_FIXED_DIV (.*),|\1 /|g' {} \; # A fix due to the assumptions used above sed -i 's/#define DET2X(a,b,c,d).*/#define DET2X(a,b,c,d) ((a * d) - (b * c))/g' ./clutter/clutter-actor.c #we get some redundant brackets like this, but C's automatic type promotion #works out fine for most cases... find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_TO_INT//g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_FROM_INT /(float)/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_TO_FLOAT//g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_FROM_FLOAT//g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_TO_DOUBLE /(double)/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_FLOOR/floorf/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_CEIL/ceilf/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_360/360.0/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_240/240.0/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_255/255.0/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_180/180.0/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_120/120.0/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_60/60.0/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_1/1.0/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_0_5/0.5/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/COGL_FIXED_PI/G_PI/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/cogl_angle_cos/cosf/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/cogl_angle_sin/sinf/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/cogl_angle_tan/tanf/g' {} \; #XXX: NB: cogl_fixed_div must be done before mul since there is a case were they #are nested which would otherwise break the assumption used here that the last #coma of the line can simply be replaced with the corresponding operator find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i -r 's|cogl_fixed_div (.*),|\1 /|g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i -r 's|cogl_fixed_mul (.*),|\1 *|g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/cogl_fixed_pow2/pow2f/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/cogl_fixed_pow/powf/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/cogl_fixed_log2/log2f/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/cogl_fixed_sqrt/sqrtf/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/cogl_fixed_cos/cosf/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/cogl_fixed_sin/sinf/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/cogl_fixed_atan2/atan2f/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/cogl_fixed_atan/atanf/g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/cogl_fixed_tan/tanf/g' {} \; #TODO: fixup gles/cogl.c set_clip_plane cat clutter/cogl/common/cogl-primitives.c| \ grep -v '#define CFX_MUL2'| \ grep -v '#undef CFX_MUL2'| \ grep -v '#define CFX_MUL3'| \ grep -v '#undef CFX_MUL3'| \ grep -v '#define CFX_SQ'| \ grep -v '#undef CFX_SQ'| \ sed -r 's/CFX_MUL2 \((.{7})\)/(\1 * 2)/g' | \ sed -r 's/CFX_MUL3 \((.{7})\)/(\1 * 3)/g' | \ sed -r 's/CFX_SQ \((.{7})\)/(\1 * \1)/g' \ >./tmp mv ./tmp clutter/cogl/common/cogl-primitives.c #this has too many false positives... #find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's|>> 1|/ 2|g' {} \; #find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's|<< 1|* 2|g' {} \; sed -i 's|>> 1|/ 2|g' ./clutter/cogl/common/cogl-primitives.c sed -i 's|<< 1|* 2|g' ./clutter/cogl/common/cogl-primitives.c #find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's|<< 1|* 2|g' {} \; find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/CoglFixed/float/g' {} \; #XXX: This might need changing later... find ./clutter -iname '*.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/CoglFixedVec2/CoglVec2/g' {} \; sed -i 's/CoglFixed/float/g' ./clutter/cogl/cogl.h.in # maintain the existing CoglFixed code as utility code for applications: sed -i 's/float:/CoglFixed:/g' clutter/cogl/cogl-types.h sed -i 's/gint32 float/gint32 CoglFixed/g' clutter/cogl/cogl-types.h git-checkout clutter/cogl/cogl-fixed.h clutter/cogl/common/cogl-fixed.c echo "Cogl API to remove/replace with float versions:" find ./clutter/ -iname '*.c' -exec grep '^cogl_[a-zA-Z_]*x ' {} \; | cut -d' ' -f1|grep -v 'box$'|grep -v 'matrix$' echo "Clutter API to remove/replace with float versions:" find ./clutter/ -iname '*.c' -exec grep '^clutter_[a-zA-Z_]*x ' {} \; | cut -d' ' -f1|grep -v 'box$'|grep -v 'matrix$'|grep -v '_x$' # # Now the last mile is dealt with manually with a bunch of patches... # git-commit -a -m "[By fixed-to-float.sh] Fixed to Float automatic changes" --no-verify patch -p1