/* * Clutter. * * An OpenGL based 'interactive canvas' library. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * Author: * Emmanuele Bassi */ /** * SECTION:clutter-flow-layout * @short_description: A reflowing layout manager * * #ClutterFlowLayout is a layout manager which implements the following * policy: * * * * * #ClutterFlowLayout is available since Clutter 1.2 */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "clutter-actor.h" #include "clutter-animatable.h" #include "clutter-child-meta.h" #include "clutter-debug.h" #include "clutter-enum-types.h" #include "clutter-flow-layout.h" #include "clutter-layout-meta.h" #include "clutter-private.h" #define CLUTTER_FLOW_LAYOUT_GET_PRIVATE(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((obj), CLUTTER_TYPE_FLOW_LAYOUT, ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate)) struct _ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate { ClutterContainer *container; ClutterFlowOrientation orientation; gfloat col_spacing; gfloat row_spacing; gfloat min_col_width; gfloat max_col_width; gfloat col_width; gfloat min_row_height; gfloat max_row_height; gfloat row_height; gint max_row_items; guint layout_wrap : 1; guint is_homogeneous : 1; }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_ORIENTATION, PROP_HOMOGENEOUS, PROP_COLUMN_SPACING, PROP_ROW_SPACING, PROP_MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH, PROP_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH, PROP_MIN_ROW_HEGHT, PROP_MAX_ROW_HEIGHT, PROP_WRAP }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (ClutterFlowLayout, clutter_flow_layout, CLUTTER_TYPE_LAYOUT_MANAGER); static void clutter_flow_layout_get_preferred_width (ClutterLayoutManager *manager, ClutterContainer *container, gfloat for_height, gfloat *min_width_p, gfloat *nat_width_p) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv = CLUTTER_FLOW_LAYOUT (manager)->priv; GList *l, *children = clutter_container_get_children (container); gfloat max_child_min_width, max_child_natural_width; gfloat row_natural_width; max_child_min_width = max_child_natural_width = 0; row_natural_width = 0; for (l = children; l != NULL; l = l->next) { ClutterActor *child = l->data; gfloat child_min, child_natural; if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (child)) continue; clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (child, for_height, &child_min, &child_natural); max_child_min_width = MAX (max_child_min_width, child_min); max_child_natural_width = MAX (max_child_natural_width, child_natural); if (priv->orientation == CLUTTER_FLOW_HORIZONTAL) row_natural_width += (child_natural + priv->col_spacing); else row_natural_width = MAX (row_natural_width, max_child_natural_width); } g_list_free (children); priv->col_width = max_child_natural_width; /* if we get a maximum value for the column width we only apply * it if there isn't a child whose minimum width is bigger than * the requested maximum width */ if (priv->max_col_width > 0 && priv->col_width > priv->max_col_width) priv->col_width = MAX (priv->max_col_width, max_child_min_width); if (priv->col_width < priv->min_col_width) priv->col_width = priv->min_col_width; if (min_width_p) *min_width_p = ceilf (max_child_min_width); if (nat_width_p) *nat_width_p = ceilf (row_natural_width); } static void clutter_flow_layout_get_preferred_height (ClutterLayoutManager *manager, ClutterContainer *container, gfloat for_width, gfloat *min_height_p, gfloat *nat_height_p) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv = CLUTTER_FLOW_LAYOUT (manager)->priv; GList *l, *children = clutter_container_get_children (container); gfloat max_child_min_height, max_child_natural_height; gfloat col_natural_height; max_child_min_height = max_child_natural_height = 0; col_natural_height = 0; for (l = children; l != NULL; l = l->next) { ClutterActor *child = l->data; gfloat child_min, child_natural; if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (child)) continue; clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (child, for_width, &child_min, &child_natural); max_child_min_height = MAX (max_child_min_height, child_min); max_child_natural_height = MAX (max_child_natural_height, child_natural); if (priv->orientation == CLUTTER_FLOW_VERTICAL) col_natural_height += (child_natural + priv->row_spacing); else col_natural_height = MAX (col_natural_height, max_child_natural_height); } g_list_free (children); priv->row_height = max_child_natural_height; /* similarly to max-col-width, we only apply max-row-height if there * is no child with a bigger minimum height */ if (priv->max_row_height > 0 && priv->row_height > priv->max_row_height) priv->row_height = MAX (priv->max_row_height, max_child_min_height); if (priv->row_height < priv->min_row_height) priv->row_height = priv->min_row_height; if (min_height_p) *min_height_p = ceilf (max_child_min_height); if (nat_height_p) *nat_height_p = ceilf (col_natural_height); } static gint compute_lines (ClutterFlowLayout *self, const GList *children, gfloat avail_width, gfloat avail_height) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv = self->priv; gint items_per_line; if (priv->orientation == CLUTTER_FLOW_HORIZONTAL) { items_per_line = (avail_width - priv->col_spacing) / (priv->col_width + priv->col_spacing); } else { items_per_line = (avail_height - priv->row_spacing) / (priv->row_height + priv->row_spacing); } return items_per_line; } static void clutter_flow_layout_allocate (ClutterLayoutManager *manager, ClutterContainer *container, const ClutterActorBox *allocation, ClutterAllocationFlags flags) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv = CLUTTER_FLOW_LAYOUT (manager)->priv; GList *l, *children = clutter_container_get_children (container); gfloat avail_width, avail_height; gfloat item_x, item_y; gint line_items_count; gint items_per_line; gint line_index; if (children == NULL) return; clutter_actor_box_get_size (allocation, &avail_width, &avail_height); items_per_line = compute_lines (CLUTTER_FLOW_LAYOUT (manager), children, avail_width, avail_height); item_x = item_y = 0; line_items_count = 0; line_index = 0; for (l = children; l != NULL; l = l->next) { ClutterActor *child = l->data; ClutterActorBox child_alloc; gfloat item_width, item_height; gfloat child_min, child_natural; if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (child)) continue; if (line_items_count == items_per_line) { if (priv->orientation == CLUTTER_FLOW_HORIZONTAL) { item_x = 0; item_y += priv->row_height + priv->row_spacing; } else { item_x += priv->col_width + priv->col_spacing; item_y = 0; } line_items_count = 0; line_index += 1; } if (priv->is_homogeneous) { item_width = priv->col_width; item_height = priv->row_height; } else { clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (child, priv->row_height, &child_min, &child_natural); item_width = MIN (child_natural, priv->col_width); clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (child, item_width, &child_min, &child_natural); item_height = MIN (child_natural, priv->row_height); } CLUTTER_NOTE (LAYOUT, "flow[line:%d, item:%d/%d] = { %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f }", line_index, line_items_count + 1, items_per_line, item_x, item_y, item_width, item_height); child_alloc.x1 = ceil (item_x); child_alloc.y1 = ceil (item_y); child_alloc.x2 = ceil (child_alloc.x1 + item_width); child_alloc.y2 = ceil (child_alloc.y1 + item_height); clutter_actor_allocate (child, &child_alloc, flags); if (priv->orientation == CLUTTER_FLOW_HORIZONTAL) item_x += (priv->col_width + priv->col_spacing); else item_y += (priv->row_height + priv->row_spacing); line_items_count += 1; } g_list_free (children); } static void clutter_flow_layout_set_container (ClutterLayoutManager *manager, ClutterContainer *container) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv = CLUTTER_FLOW_LAYOUT (manager)->priv; priv->container = container; } static void clutter_flow_layout_set_property (GObject *gobject, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { ClutterFlowLayout *self = CLUTTER_FLOW_LAYOUT (gobject); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_ORIENTATION: clutter_flow_layout_set_orientation (self, g_value_get_enum (value)); break; case PROP_WRAP: clutter_flow_layout_set_wrap (self, g_value_get_boolean (value)); break; case PROP_HOMOGENEOUS: clutter_flow_layout_set_homogeneous (self, g_value_get_boolean (value)); break; case PROP_COLUMN_SPACING: clutter_flow_layout_set_column_spacing (self, g_value_get_float (value)); break; case PROP_ROW_SPACING: clutter_flow_layout_set_row_spacing (self, g_value_get_float (value)); break; case PROP_MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH: clutter_flow_layout_set_column_width (self, g_value_get_float (value), self->priv->max_col_width); break; case PROP_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH: clutter_flow_layout_set_column_width (self, self->priv->min_col_width, g_value_get_float (value)); break; case PROP_MIN_ROW_HEGHT: clutter_flow_layout_set_row_height (self, g_value_get_float (value), self->priv->max_row_height); break; case PROP_MAX_ROW_HEIGHT: clutter_flow_layout_set_row_height (self, self->priv->min_row_height, g_value_get_float (value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void clutter_flow_layout_get_property (GObject *gobject, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv = CLUTTER_FLOW_LAYOUT (gobject)->priv; switch (prop_id) { case PROP_ORIENTATION: g_value_set_enum (value, priv->orientation); break; case PROP_WRAP: g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->layout_wrap); break; case PROP_HOMOGENEOUS: g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->is_homogeneous); break; case PROP_COLUMN_SPACING: g_value_set_float (value, priv->col_spacing); break; case PROP_ROW_SPACING: g_value_set_float (value, priv->row_spacing); break; case PROP_MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH: g_value_set_float (value, priv->min_col_width); break; case PROP_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH: g_value_set_float (value, priv->max_col_width); break; case PROP_MIN_ROW_HEGHT: g_value_set_float (value, priv->min_row_height); break; case PROP_MAX_ROW_HEIGHT: g_value_set_float (value, priv->max_row_height); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void clutter_flow_layout_class_init (ClutterFlowLayoutClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class; ClutterLayoutManagerClass *layout_class; GParamSpec *pspec; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate)); gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); layout_class = CLUTTER_LAYOUT_MANAGER_CLASS (klass); gobject_class->set_property = clutter_flow_layout_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = clutter_flow_layout_get_property; layout_class->get_preferred_width = clutter_flow_layout_get_preferred_width; layout_class->get_preferred_height = clutter_flow_layout_get_preferred_height; layout_class->allocate = clutter_flow_layout_allocate; layout_class->set_container = clutter_flow_layout_set_container; /** * ClutterFlowLayout:orientation: * * The orientation of the #ClutterFlowLayout. The children * of the layout will be layed out following the orientation. * If #ClutterFlowLayout:wrap is set to %TRUE then this property * will control the primary direction of the layout before * wrapping takes place * * Since: 1.2 */ pspec = g_param_spec_enum ("orientation", "Orientation", "The orientation of the layout", CLUTTER_TYPE_FLOW_ORIENTATION, CLUTTER_FLOW_HORIZONTAL, CLUTTER_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_ORIENTATION, pspec); /** * ClutterFlowLayout:homogeneous: * * Whether each child inside the #ClutterFlowLayout should receive * the same allocation * * Since: 1.2 */ pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("homogeneous", "Homogeneous", "Whether each item should receive the " "same allocation", FALSE, CLUTTER_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_HOMOGENEOUS, pspec); /** * ClutterFlowLayout:wrap: * * Whether the layout should wrap the children to fit them * in the allocation. A non-wrapping layout has a preferred * size of the biggest child in the direction opposite to the * #ClutterFlowLayout:orientation property, and the sum of * the preferred sizes (taking into account spacing) of the * children in the direction of the orientation * * If a wrapping #ClutterFlowLayout is allocated less than the * preferred size in the direction of orientation then it will * not allocate and paint the children falling out of the * allocation box * * Since: 1.2 */ pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("wrap", "Wrap", "Whether the layout should wrap", FALSE, CLUTTER_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_WRAP, pspec); /** * ClutterFlowLayout:column-spacing: * * The spacing between columns, in pixels; the value of this * property is honoured by horizontal non-wrapping layouts and * by vertical wrapping layouts * * Since: 1.2 */ pspec = g_param_spec_float ("column-spacing", "Column Spacing", "The spacing between columns", 0.0, G_MAXFLOAT, 0.0, CLUTTER_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_COLUMN_SPACING, pspec); /** * ClutterFlowLayout:row-spacing: * * The spacing between rows, in pixels; the value of this * property is honoured by vertical non-wrapping layouts and * by horizontal wrapping layouts * * Since: 1.2 */ pspec = g_param_spec_float ("row-spacing", "Row Spacing", "The spacing between rows", 0.0, G_MAXFLOAT, 0.0, CLUTTER_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_ROW_SPACING, pspec); /** * ClutterFlowLayout:min-column-width: * * Minimum width for each column in the layout, in pixels * * Since: 1.2 */ pspec = g_param_spec_float ("min-column-width", "Minimum Column Width", "Minimum width for each column", 0.0, G_MAXFLOAT, 0.0, CLUTTER_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH, pspec); /** * ClutterFlowLayout:max-column-width: * * Maximum width for each column in the layout, in pixels. If * set to -1 the width will be the maximum child width * * Since: 1.2 */ pspec = g_param_spec_float ("max-column-width", "Maximum Column Width", "Maximum width for each column", -1.0, G_MAXFLOAT, -1.0, CLUTTER_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH, pspec); /** * ClutterFlowLayout:min-row-height: * * Minimum height for each row in the layout, in pixels * * Since: 1.2 */ pspec = g_param_spec_float ("min-row-height", "Minimum Row Height", "Minimum height for each row", 0.0, G_MAXFLOAT, 0.0, CLUTTER_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_MIN_ROW_HEGHT, pspec); /** * ClutterFlowLayout:max-row-height: * * Maximum height for each row in the layout, in pixels. If * set to -1 the width will be the maximum child height * * Since: 1.2 */ pspec = g_param_spec_float ("max-row-height", "Maximum Row Height", "Maximum height for each row", -1.0, G_MAXFLOAT, -1.0, CLUTTER_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_MAX_ROW_HEIGHT, pspec); } static void clutter_flow_layout_init (ClutterFlowLayout *self) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv; self->priv = priv = CLUTTER_FLOW_LAYOUT_GET_PRIVATE (self); priv->orientation = CLUTTER_FLOW_HORIZONTAL; priv->col_spacing = 0; priv->row_spacing = 0; priv->min_col_width = priv->min_row_height = 0; priv->max_col_width = priv->max_row_height = -1; } /** * clutter_flow_layout_new: * @orientation: the orientation of the flow layout * * Creates a new #ClutterFlowLayout with the given @orientation * * Return value: the newly created #ClutterFlowLayout * * Since: 1.2 */ ClutterLayoutManager * clutter_flow_layout_new (ClutterFlowOrientation orientation) { return g_object_new (CLUTTER_TYPE_FLOW_LAYOUT, "orientation", orientation, NULL); } /** * clutter_flow_layout_set_orientation: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * @orientation: the orientation of the layout * * Sets the orientation of the flow layout * * The orientation controls the direction used to allocate * the children: either horizontally or vertically. The * orientation also controls the direction of the wrapping * in case #ClutterFlowLayout:wrap is set to %TRUE * * Since: 1.2 */ void clutter_flow_layout_set_orientation (ClutterFlowLayout *layout, ClutterFlowOrientation orientation) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout)); priv = layout->priv; if (priv->orientation != orientation) { ClutterLayoutManager *manager; priv->orientation = orientation; manager = CLUTTER_LAYOUT_MANAGER (layout); clutter_layout_manager_layout_changed (manager); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (layout), "orientation"); } } /** * clutter_flow_layout_get_orientation: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * * Retrieves the orientation of the @layout * * Return value: the orientation of the #ClutterFlowLayout * * Since: 1.2 */ ClutterFlowOrientation clutter_flow_layout_get_orientation (ClutterFlowLayout *layout) { g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout), CLUTTER_FLOW_HORIZONTAL); return layout->priv->orientation; } /** * clutter_flow_layout_set_wrap: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * @wrap: whether the layout should wrap * * Sets whether the @layout should wrap its children when * allocating them * * The direction of the wrapping is controlled by the * #ClutterFlowLayout:orientation property * * Since: 1.2 */ void clutter_flow_layout_set_wrap (ClutterFlowLayout *layout, gboolean wrap) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout)); priv = layout->priv; if (priv->layout_wrap != wrap) { ClutterLayoutManager *manager; priv->layout_wrap = wrap; manager = CLUTTER_LAYOUT_MANAGER (layout); clutter_layout_manager_layout_changed (manager); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (layout), "wrap"); } } /** * clutter_flow_layout_get_wrap: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * * Gets whether @layout should wrap * * Return value: %TRUE if the #ClutterFlowLayout is wrapping * * Since: 1.2 */ gboolean clutter_flow_layout_get_wrap (ClutterFlowLayout *layout) { g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout), FALSE); return layout->priv->layout_wrap; } /** * clutter_flow_layout_set_homogeneous: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * @homogeneous: whether the layout should be homogeneous or not * * Sets whether the @layout should allocate the same space for * each child * * Since: 1.2 */ void clutter_flow_layout_set_homogeneous (ClutterFlowLayout *layout, gboolean homogeneous) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout)); priv = layout->priv; if (priv->is_homogeneous != homogeneous) { ClutterLayoutManager *manager; priv->is_homogeneous = homogeneous; manager = CLUTTER_LAYOUT_MANAGER (layout); clutter_layout_manager_layout_changed (manager); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (layout), "homogeneous"); } } /** * clutter_flow_layout_get_homogeneous: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * * Retrieves whether the @layout is homogeneous * * Return value: %TRUE if the #ClutterFlowLayout is homogeneous * * Since: 1.2 */ gboolean clutter_flow_layout_get_homogeneous (ClutterFlowLayout *layout) { g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout), FALSE); return layout->priv->is_homogeneous; } /** * clutter_flow_layout_set_column_spacing: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * @spacing: the space between columns * * Sets the space between columns, in pixels * * Since: 1.2 */ void clutter_flow_layout_set_column_spacing (ClutterFlowLayout *layout, gfloat spacing) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout)); priv = layout->priv; if (priv->col_spacing != spacing) { ClutterLayoutManager *manager; priv->col_spacing = spacing; manager = CLUTTER_LAYOUT_MANAGER (layout); clutter_layout_manager_layout_changed (manager); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (layout), "column-spacing"); } } /** * clutter_flow_layout_get_column_spacing: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * * Retrieves the spacing between columns * * Return value: the spacing between columns of the #ClutterFlowLayout, * in pixels * * Since: 1.2 */ gfloat clutter_flow_layout_get_column_spacing (ClutterFlowLayout *layout) { g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout), 0.0); return layout->priv->col_spacing; } /** * clutter_flow_layout_set_row_spacing: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * @spacing: the space between rows * * Sets the spacing between rows, in pixels * * Since: 1.2 */ void clutter_flow_layout_set_row_spacing (ClutterFlowLayout *layout, gfloat spacing) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout)); priv = layout->priv; if (priv->row_spacing != spacing) { ClutterLayoutManager *manager; priv->row_spacing = spacing; manager = CLUTTER_LAYOUT_MANAGER (layout); clutter_layout_manager_layout_changed (manager); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (layout), "row-spacing"); } } /** * clutter_flow_layout_get_row_spacing: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * * Retrieves the spacing between rows * * Return value: the spacing between rows of the #ClutterFlowLayout, * in pixels * * Since: 1.2 */ gfloat clutter_flow_layout_get_row_spacing (ClutterFlowLayout *layout) { g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout), 0.0); return layout->priv->row_spacing; } /** * clutter_flow_layout_set_column_width: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * @min_width: minimum width of a column * @max_width: maximum width of a column * * Sets the minimum and maximum widths that a column can have * * Since: 1.2 */ void clutter_flow_layout_set_column_width (ClutterFlowLayout *layout, gfloat min_width, gfloat max_width) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv; gboolean notify_min = FALSE, notify_max = FALSE; g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout)); priv = layout->priv; if (priv->min_col_width != min_width) { priv->min_col_width = min_width; notify_min = TRUE; } if (priv->max_col_width != max_width) { priv->max_col_width = max_width; notify_max = TRUE; } g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (layout)); if (notify_min || notify_max) { ClutterLayoutManager *manager = CLUTTER_LAYOUT_MANAGER (layout); clutter_layout_manager_layout_changed (manager); } if (notify_min) g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (layout), "min-column-width"); if (notify_max) g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (layout), "max-column-width"); g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (layout)); } /** * clutter_flow_layout_get_column_width: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * @min_width: (out): return location for the minimum column width, or %NULL * @max_width: (out): return location for the maximum column width, or %NULL * * Retrieves the minimum and maximum column widths * * Since: 1.2 */ void clutter_flow_layout_get_column_width (ClutterFlowLayout *layout, gfloat *min_width, gfloat *max_width) { g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout)); if (min_width) *min_width = layout->priv->min_col_width; if (max_width) *max_width = layout->priv->max_col_width; } /** * clutter_flow_layout_set_row_height: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * @min_height: the minimum height of a row * @max_height: the maximum height of a row * * Sets the minimum and maximum heights that a row can have * * Since: 1.2 */ void clutter_flow_layout_set_row_height (ClutterFlowLayout *layout, gfloat min_height, gfloat max_height) { ClutterFlowLayoutPrivate *priv; gboolean notify_min = FALSE, notify_max = FALSE; g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout)); priv = layout->priv; if (priv->min_row_height != min_height) { priv->min_row_height = min_height; notify_min = TRUE; } if (priv->max_row_height != max_height) { priv->max_row_height = max_height; notify_max = TRUE; } g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (layout)); if (notify_min || notify_max) { ClutterLayoutManager *manager = CLUTTER_LAYOUT_MANAGER (layout); clutter_layout_manager_layout_changed (manager); } if (notify_min) g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (layout), "min-row-height"); if (notify_max) g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (layout), "max-row-height"); g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (layout)); } /** * clutter_flow_layout_get_row_height: * @layout: a #ClutterFlowLayout * @min_height: (out): return location for the minimum row height, or %NULL * @max_height: (out): return location for the maximum row height, or %NULL * * Retrieves the minimum and maximum row heights * * Since: 1.2 */ void clutter_flow_layout_get_row_height (ClutterFlowLayout *layout, gfloat *min_height, gfloat *max_height) { g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_FLOW_LAYOUT (layout)); if (min_height) *min_height = layout->priv->min_row_height; if (max_height) *max_height = layout->priv->max_row_height; }