/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* * SECTION:stack-tracker * @short_description: Track stacking order for compositor * * #MetaStackTracker maintains the most accurate view we have at a * given point of time of the ordering of the children of the root * window (including override-redirect windows.) This is used to order * the windows when the compositor draws them. * * By contrast, #MetaStack is responsible for keeping track of how we * think that windows *should* be ordered. For windows we manage * (non-override-redirect windows), the two stacking orders will be * the same. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include "frame.h" #include "screen-private.h" #include "stack-tracker.h" #include #include /* The complexity here comes from resolving two competing factors: * * - We need to have a view of the stacking order that takes into * account everything we have done without waiting for events * back from the X server; we don't want to draw intermediate * partially-stacked stack states just because we haven't received * some notification yet. * * - Only the X server has an accurate view of the complete stacking; * when we make a request to restack windows, we don't know how * it will affect override-redirect windows, because at any point * applications may restack these windows without our involvement. * * The technique we use is that we keep three sets of information: * * - The stacking order on the server as known from the last * event we received. * - A queue of stacking requests that *we* made subsequent to * that last event. * - A predicted stacking order, derived from applying the queued * requests to the last state from the server. * * When we receive a new event: a) we compare the serial in the event to * the serial of the queued requests and remove any that are now * no longer pending b) if necessary, drop the predicted stacking * order to recompute it at the next opportunity. * * Possible optimizations: * Keep the stacks as an array + reverse-mapping hash table to avoid * linear lookups. * Keep the stacks as a GList + reverse-mapping hash table to avoid * linear lookups and to make restacking constant-time. */ typedef union _MetaStackOp MetaStackOp; typedef enum { STACK_OP_ADD, STACK_OP_REMOVE, STACK_OP_RAISE_ABOVE, STACK_OP_LOWER_BELOW } MetaStackOpType; /* MetaStackOp represents a "stacking operation" - a change to * apply to a window stack. Depending on the context, it could * either reflect a request we have sent to the server, or a * notification event we received from the X server. */ union _MetaStackOp { struct { MetaStackOpType type; gulong serial; MetaStackWindow window; } any; struct { MetaStackOpType type; gulong serial; MetaStackWindow window; } add; struct { MetaStackOpType type; gulong serial; MetaStackWindow window; } remove; struct { MetaStackOpType type; gulong serial; MetaStackWindow window; MetaStackWindow sibling; } raise_above; struct { MetaStackOpType type; gulong serial; MetaStackWindow window; MetaStackWindow sibling; } lower_below; }; struct _MetaStackTracker { MetaScreen *screen; /* This is the last state of the stack as based on events received * from the X server. */ GArray *xserver_stack; /* This is the serial of the last request we made that was reflected * in xserver_stack */ gulong xserver_serial; /* A combined stack containing X and Wayland windows but without * any unverified operations applied. */ GArray *verified_stack; /* This is a queue of requests we've made to change the stacking order, * where we haven't yet gotten a reply back from the server. */ GQueue *unverified_predictions; /* This is how we think the stack is, based on verified_stack, and * on the unverified_predictions we've made subsequent to * verified_stack. */ GArray *predicted_stack; /* Idle function used to sync the compositor's view of the window * stack up with our best guess before a frame is drawn. */ guint sync_stack_later; }; static gboolean meta_stack_window_is_set (const MetaStackWindow *window) { if (window->any.type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) return window->x11.xwindow == None ? FALSE : TRUE; else return window->wayland.meta_window ? TRUE : FALSE; } gboolean meta_stack_window_equal (const MetaStackWindow *a, const MetaStackWindow *b) { if (a->any.type == b->any.type) { if (a->any.type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) return a->x11.xwindow == b->x11.xwindow; else return a->wayland.meta_window == b->wayland.meta_window; } else return FALSE; } static char * get_window_id (MetaStackWindow *window) { if (window->any.type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) return g_strdup_printf ("X11:%lx", window->x11.xwindow); else return g_strdup_printf ("Wayland:%p", window->wayland.meta_window); } static void meta_stack_op_dump (MetaStackOp *op, const char *prefix, const char *suffix) { char *window_id = get_window_id (&op->any.window); switch (op->any.type) { case STACK_OP_ADD: meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "%sADD(%s; %ld)%s", prefix, window_id, op->any.serial, suffix); break; case STACK_OP_REMOVE: meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "%sREMOVE(%s; %ld)%s", prefix, window_id, op->any.serial, suffix); break; case STACK_OP_RAISE_ABOVE: { char *sibling_id = get_window_id (&op->raise_above.sibling); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "%sRAISE_ABOVE(%s, %s; %ld)%s", prefix, window_id, sibling_id, op->any.serial, suffix); g_free (sibling_id); break; } case STACK_OP_LOWER_BELOW: { char *sibling_id = get_window_id (&op->lower_below.sibling); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "%sLOWER_BELOW(%s, %s; %ld)%s", prefix, window_id, sibling_id, op->any.serial, suffix); g_free (sibling_id); break; } } g_free (window_id); } static void meta_stack_tracker_dump (MetaStackTracker *tracker) { guint i; GList *l; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "MetaStackTracker state (screen=%d)\n", tracker->screen->number); meta_push_no_msg_prefix (); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, " xserver_serial: %ld\n", tracker->xserver_serial); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, " xserver_stack: "); for (i = 0; i < tracker->xserver_stack->len; i++) { MetaStackWindow *window = &g_array_index (tracker->xserver_stack, MetaStackWindow, i); char *window_id = get_window_id (window); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, " %s", window_id); g_free (window_id); } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "\n verfied_stack: "); for (i = 0; i < tracker->verified_stack->len; i++) { MetaStackWindow *window = &g_array_index (tracker->verified_stack, MetaStackWindow, i); char *window_id = get_window_id (window); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, " %s", window_id); g_free (window_id); } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "\n unverified_predictions: ["); for (l = tracker->unverified_predictions->head; l; l = l->next) { MetaStackOp *op = l->data; meta_stack_op_dump (op, "", l->next ? ", " : ""); } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "]\n"); if (tracker->predicted_stack) { meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "\n predicted_stack: "); for (i = 0; i < tracker->predicted_stack->len; i++) { MetaStackWindow *window = &g_array_index (tracker->predicted_stack, MetaStackWindow, i); char *window_id = get_window_id (window); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, " %s", window_id); g_free (window_id); } } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "\n"); meta_pop_no_msg_prefix (); } static void meta_stack_op_free (MetaStackOp *op) { g_slice_free (MetaStackOp, op); } static int find_window (GArray *window_stack, MetaStackWindow *window) { guint i; for (i = 0; i < window_stack->len; i++) { MetaStackWindow *current = &g_array_index (window_stack, MetaStackWindow, i); if (current->any.type == window->any.type) { if (current->any.type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11 && current->x11.xwindow == window->x11.xwindow) return i; else if (current->wayland.meta_window == window->wayland.meta_window) return i; } } return -1; } /* Returns TRUE if stack was changed */ static gboolean move_window_above (GArray *stack, MetaStackWindow *window, int old_pos, int above_pos) { /* Copy the window by-value before we start shifting things around * in the stack in case window points into the stack itself. */ MetaStackWindow window_val = *window; int i; if (old_pos < above_pos) { for (i = old_pos; i < above_pos; i++) g_array_index (stack, MetaStackWindow, i) = g_array_index (stack, MetaStackWindow, i + 1); g_array_index (stack, MetaStackWindow, above_pos) = window_val; return TRUE; } else if (old_pos > above_pos + 1) { for (i = old_pos; i > above_pos + 1; i--) g_array_index (stack, MetaStackWindow, i) = g_array_index (stack, MetaStackWindow, i - 1); g_array_index (stack, MetaStackWindow, above_pos + 1) = window_val; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /* Returns TRUE if stack was changed */ static gboolean meta_stack_op_apply (MetaStackOp *op, GArray *stack) { switch (op->any.type) { case STACK_OP_ADD: { int old_pos = find_window (stack, &op->add.window); if (old_pos >= 0) { char *window_id = get_window_id (&op->add.window); g_warning ("STACK_OP_ADD: window %s already in stack", window_id); g_free (window_id); return FALSE; } g_array_append_val (stack, op->add.window); return TRUE; } case STACK_OP_REMOVE: { int old_pos = find_window (stack, &op->remove.window); if (old_pos < 0) { char *window_id = get_window_id (&op->remove.window); g_warning ("STACK_OP_REMOVE: window %s not in stack", window_id); g_free (window_id); return FALSE; } g_array_remove_index (stack, old_pos); return TRUE; } case STACK_OP_RAISE_ABOVE: { int old_pos = find_window (stack, &op->raise_above.window); int above_pos; if (old_pos < 0) { char *window_id = get_window_id (&op->raise_above.window); g_warning ("STACK_OP_RAISE_ABOVE: window %s not in stack", window_id); g_free (window_id); return FALSE; } if (meta_stack_window_is_set (&op->raise_above.sibling)) { above_pos = find_window (stack, &op->raise_above.sibling); if (above_pos < 0) { char *sibling_id = get_window_id (&op->raise_above.sibling); g_warning ("STACK_OP_RAISE_ABOVE: sibling window %s not in stack", sibling_id); g_free (sibling_id); return FALSE; } } else { above_pos = -1; } return move_window_above (stack, &op->raise_above.window, old_pos, above_pos); } case STACK_OP_LOWER_BELOW: { int old_pos = find_window (stack, &op->lower_below.window); int above_pos; if (old_pos < 0) { char *window_id = get_window_id (&op->lower_below.window); g_warning ("STACK_OP_LOWER_BELOW: window %s not in stack", window_id); g_free (window_id); return FALSE; } if (meta_stack_window_is_set (&op->lower_below.sibling)) { int below_pos = find_window (stack, &op->lower_below.sibling); if (below_pos < 0) { char *sibling_id = get_window_id (&op->lower_below.sibling); g_warning ("STACK_OP_LOWER_BELOW: sibling window %s not in stack", sibling_id); g_free (sibling_id); return FALSE; } above_pos = below_pos - 1; } else { above_pos = stack->len - 1; } return move_window_above (stack, &op->lower_below.window, old_pos, above_pos); } } g_assert_not_reached (); return FALSE; } static GArray * copy_stack (GArray *stack) { GArray *copy = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (MetaStackWindow), stack->len); g_array_set_size (copy, stack->len); memcpy (copy->data, stack->data, sizeof (MetaStackWindow) * stack->len); return copy; } static void requery_xserver_stack (MetaStackTracker *tracker) { MetaScreen *screen = tracker->screen; Window ignored1, ignored2; Window *children; guint n_children; guint i; if (tracker->xserver_stack) g_array_free (tracker->xserver_stack, TRUE); tracker->xserver_serial = XNextRequest (screen->display->xdisplay); XQueryTree (screen->display->xdisplay, screen->xroot, &ignored1, &ignored2, &children, &n_children); tracker->xserver_stack = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (MetaStackWindow), n_children); g_array_set_size (tracker->xserver_stack, n_children); for (i = 0; i < n_children; i++) { MetaStackWindow *window = &g_array_index (tracker->xserver_stack, MetaStackWindow, i); window->any.type = META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11; window->x11.xwindow = children[i]; } XFree (children); } MetaStackTracker * meta_stack_tracker_new (MetaScreen *screen) { MetaStackTracker *tracker; tracker = g_new0 (MetaStackTracker, 1); tracker->screen = screen; requery_xserver_stack (tracker); tracker->verified_stack = copy_stack (tracker->xserver_stack); tracker->unverified_predictions = g_queue_new (); meta_stack_tracker_dump (tracker); return tracker; } void meta_stack_tracker_free (MetaStackTracker *tracker) { if (tracker->sync_stack_later) meta_later_remove (tracker->sync_stack_later); g_array_free (tracker->xserver_stack, TRUE); g_array_free (tracker->verified_stack, TRUE); if (tracker->predicted_stack) g_array_free (tracker->predicted_stack, TRUE); g_queue_foreach (tracker->unverified_predictions, (GFunc)meta_stack_op_free, NULL); g_queue_free (tracker->unverified_predictions); tracker->unverified_predictions = NULL; g_free (tracker); } static void stack_tracker_apply_prediction (MetaStackTracker *tracker, MetaStackOp *op) { /* If this is a wayland operation then it's implicitly verified so * we can apply it immediately so long as it doesn't depend on any * unverified X operations... */ if (op->any.window.any.type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_WAYLAND && tracker->unverified_predictions->length == 0) { if (meta_stack_op_apply (op, tracker->verified_stack)) meta_stack_tracker_queue_sync_stack (tracker); } else { meta_stack_op_dump (op, "Predicting: ", "\n"); g_queue_push_tail (tracker->unverified_predictions, op); } if (!tracker->predicted_stack || meta_stack_op_apply (op, tracker->predicted_stack)) meta_stack_tracker_queue_sync_stack (tracker); meta_stack_tracker_dump (tracker); } void meta_stack_tracker_record_add (MetaStackTracker *tracker, const MetaStackWindow *window, gulong serial) { MetaStackOp *op = g_slice_new (MetaStackOp); op->any.type = STACK_OP_ADD; op->any.serial = serial; op->any.window = *window; stack_tracker_apply_prediction (tracker, op); } void meta_stack_tracker_record_remove (MetaStackTracker *tracker, const MetaStackWindow *window, gulong serial) { MetaStackOp *op = g_slice_new (MetaStackOp); op->any.type = STACK_OP_REMOVE; op->any.serial = serial; op->any.window = *window; stack_tracker_apply_prediction (tracker, op); } void meta_stack_tracker_record_restack_windows (MetaStackTracker *tracker, const MetaStackWindow *windows, int n_windows, gulong serial) { int i; int n_x_windows = 0; /* XRestackWindows() isn't actually a X requests - it's broken down * by XLib into a series of XConfigureWindow(StackMode=below); we * mirror that here. * * Since there may be a mixture of X and wayland windows in the * stack it's ambiguous which operations we should associate with an * X serial number. One thing we do know though is that there will * be (n_x_window - 1) X requests made. * * Aside: Having a separate StackOp for this would be possible to * get some extra efficiency in memory allocation and in applying * the op, at the expense of a code complexity. Implementation hint * for that - keep op->restack_window.n_complete, and when receiving * events with intermediate serials, set n_complete rather than * removing the op from the queue. */ if (n_windows && windows[0].any.type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) n_x_windows++; for (i = 0; i < n_windows - 1; i++) { const MetaStackWindow *lower = &windows[i + 1]; gboolean involves_x = FALSE; if (lower->any.type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) { n_x_windows++; /* Since the first X window is a reference point we only * assoicate a serial number with the operations involving * later X windows. */ if (n_x_windows > 1) involves_x = TRUE; } meta_stack_tracker_record_lower_below (tracker, lower, &windows[i], involves_x ? serial++ : 0); } } void meta_stack_tracker_record_raise_above (MetaStackTracker *tracker, const MetaStackWindow *window, const MetaStackWindow *sibling, gulong serial) { MetaStackOp *op = g_slice_new (MetaStackOp); op->any.type = STACK_OP_RAISE_ABOVE; op->any.serial = serial; op->any.window = *window; if (sibling) op->raise_above.sibling = *sibling; else { op->raise_above.sibling.any.type = META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11; op->raise_above.sibling.x11.xwindow = None; } stack_tracker_apply_prediction (tracker, op); } void meta_stack_tracker_record_lower_below (MetaStackTracker *tracker, const MetaStackWindow *window, const MetaStackWindow *sibling, gulong serial) { MetaStackOp *op = g_slice_new (MetaStackOp); op->any.type = STACK_OP_LOWER_BELOW; op->any.serial = serial; op->any.window = *window; if (sibling) op->lower_below.sibling = *sibling; else { op->lower_below.sibling.any.type = META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11; op->lower_below.sibling.x11.xwindow = None; } stack_tracker_apply_prediction (tracker, op); } void meta_stack_tracker_record_lower (MetaStackTracker *tracker, const MetaStackWindow *window, gulong serial) { meta_stack_tracker_record_raise_above (tracker, window, NULL, serial); } /* @op is an operation derived from an X event from the server and we * want to verify that our predicted operations are consistent with * what's being reported by the X server. * * NB: Since our stack may actually be a mixture of X and Wayland * clients we can't simply apply these operations derived from X * events onto our stack and discard old predictions because these * operations aren't aware of wayland windows. * * This function applies all the unverified predicted operations up to * the given @serial onto the verified_stack so that we can check the * stack for consistency with the given X operation. * * Return value: %TRUE if the predicted state is consistent with * receiving the given @op from X, else %FALSE. * * @modified will be set to %TRUE if tracker->verified_stack is * changed by applying any newly validated operations, else %FALSE. */ static gboolean stack_tracker_verify_predictions (MetaStackTracker *tracker, MetaStackOp *op, gboolean *modified) { GArray *tmp_predicted_stack = NULL; GArray *predicted_stack; gboolean modified_stack = FALSE; /* Wayland operations don't need to be verified and shouldn't end up * passed to this api. */ g_return_val_if_fail (op->any.window.any.type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11, FALSE); if (tracker->unverified_predictions->length) { GList *l; tmp_predicted_stack = predicted_stack = copy_stack (tracker->verified_stack); for (l = tracker->unverified_predictions->head; l; l = l->next) { MetaStackOp *current_op = l->data; if (current_op->any.serial > op->any.serial) break; modified_stack |= meta_stack_op_apply (current_op, predicted_stack); } } else predicted_stack = tracker->verified_stack; switch (op->any.type) { case STACK_OP_ADD: if (!find_window (predicted_stack, &op->any.window)) { char *window_id = get_window_id (&op->any.window); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "Verify STACK_OP_ADD: window %s not found\n", window_id); g_free (window_id); goto not_verified; } break; case STACK_OP_REMOVE: if (find_window (predicted_stack, &op->any.window)) { char *window_id = get_window_id (&op->any.window); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "Verify STACK_OP_REMOVE: window %s was unexpectedly found\n", window_id); g_free (window_id); goto not_verified; } break; case STACK_OP_RAISE_ABOVE: { Window last_xwindow = None; char *window_id; unsigned int i; /* This code is only intended for verifying operations based * on XEvents where we can assume the sibling refers to * another X window... */ g_return_val_if_fail (op->raise_above.sibling.any.type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11, FALSE); for (i = 0; i < predicted_stack->len; i++) { MetaStackWindow *window = &g_array_index (predicted_stack, MetaStackWindow, i); if (meta_stack_window_equal (window, &op->any.window)) { if (last_xwindow == op->raise_above.sibling.x11.xwindow) goto verified; else goto not_verified; } if (window->any.type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) last_xwindow = window->x11.xwindow; } window_id = get_window_id (&op->any.window); meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "Verify STACK_OP_RAISE_ABOVE: window %s not found\n", window_id); g_free (window_id); goto not_verified; } case STACK_OP_LOWER_BELOW: g_warn_if_reached (); /* No X events currently lead to this path */ goto not_verified; } verified: /* We can free the operations which we have now verified... */ while (tracker->unverified_predictions->head) { MetaStackOp *queued_op = tracker->unverified_predictions->head->data; if (queued_op->any.serial > op->any.serial) break; g_queue_pop_head (tracker->unverified_predictions); meta_stack_op_free (queued_op); } *modified = modified_stack; if (modified_stack) { g_array_free (tracker->verified_stack, TRUE); tracker->verified_stack = predicted_stack; } else if (tmp_predicted_stack) g_array_free (tmp_predicted_stack, TRUE); return TRUE; not_verified: if (tmp_predicted_stack) g_array_free (tmp_predicted_stack, TRUE); if (tracker->predicted_stack) { g_array_free (tracker->predicted_stack, TRUE); tracker->predicted_stack = NULL; } *modified = FALSE; return FALSE; } /* If we find that our predicted state is not consistent with what the * X server is reporting to us then this function can re-query and * re-synchronize verified_stack with the X server stack while * hopefully not disrupting the relative stacking of Wayland windows. * * Return value: %TRUE if the verified stack was modified with respect * to the predicted stack else %FALSE. * * Note: ->predicted_stack will be cleared by this function if * ->verified_stack had to be modified when re-synchronizing. */ static gboolean resync_verified_stack_with_xserver_stack (MetaStackTracker *tracker) { GList *l; unsigned int i, j; MetaStackWindow *expected_xwindow; gboolean modified_stack; /* Overview of the algorithm: * * - Re-query the complete X window stack from the X server via * XQueryTree() and update xserver_stack. * * - Apply all operations in unverified_predictions to * verified_stack so we have a predicted stack including Wayland * windows and free the queue of unverified_predictions. * * - Iterate through the x windows listed in verified_stack at the * same time as iterating the windows in xserver_list. (Stop * when we reach the end of the xserver_list) * - If the window found doesn't match the window expected * according to the order of xserver_list then: * - Look ahead for the window we were expecting and restack * that above the previous X window. If we fail to find the * expected window then create a new entry for it and stack * that. * * - Continue to iterate through verified_stack for any remaining * X windows that we now know aren't in the xserver_list and * remove them. * * - Free ->predicted_stack if any. */ meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "Fully re-synchronizing X stack with verified stack\n"); requery_xserver_stack (tracker); for (l = tracker->unverified_predictions->head; l; l = l->next) meta_stack_op_apply (l->data, tracker->verified_stack); g_queue_clear (tracker->unverified_predictions); j = 0; expected_xwindow = &g_array_index (tracker->xserver_stack, MetaStackWindow, j); for (i = 0; i < tracker->verified_stack->len; ) { MetaStackWindow *current = &g_array_index (tracker->verified_stack, MetaStackWindow, i); if (current->any.type != META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) { /* Progress i but not j */ i++; continue; } if (current->x11.xwindow != expected_xwindow->x11.xwindow) { MetaStackWindow new; MetaStackWindow *expected; int expected_index; /* If the current window corresponds to a window that's not * in xserver_stack any more then the least disruptive thing * we can do is to simply remove it and take another look at * the same index. * * Note: we didn't used to do this and instead relied on * removed windows getting pushed to the end of the list so * they could all be removed together but this also resulted * in pushing Wayland windows to the end too, disrupting * their positioning relative to X windows too much. * * Technically we only need to look forward from j if we * wanted to optimize this a bit... */ if (find_window (tracker->xserver_stack, current) < 0) { g_array_remove_index (tracker->verified_stack, i); continue; } /* Technically we only need to look forward from i if we * wanted to optimize this a bit... */ expected_index = find_window (tracker->verified_stack, expected_xwindow); if (expected_index >= 0) { expected = &g_array_index (tracker->verified_stack, MetaStackWindow, expected_index); } else { new.any.type = META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11; new.x11.xwindow = expected_xwindow->x11.xwindow; g_array_append_val (tracker->verified_stack, new); expected = &new; expected_index = tracker->verified_stack->len - 1; } /* Note: that this move will effectively bump the index of * the current window. * * We want to continue by re-checking this window against * the next expected window though so we don't have to * update i to compensate here. */ move_window_above (tracker->verified_stack, expected, expected_index, /* current index */ i - 1); /* above */ modified_stack = TRUE; } /* NB: we want to make sure that if we break the loop because j * reaches the end of xserver_stack that i has also been * incremented already so that we can run a final loop to remove * remaining windows based on the i index. */ i++; j++; expected_xwindow = &g_array_index (tracker->xserver_stack, MetaStackWindow, j); if (j >= tracker->xserver_stack->len) break; } /* We now know that any remaining X windows aren't listed in the * xserver_stack and so we can remove them. */ while (i < tracker->verified_stack->len) { MetaStackWindow *current = &g_array_index (tracker->verified_stack, MetaStackWindow, i); if (current->any.type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) g_array_remove_index (tracker->verified_stack, i); else i++; modified_stack = TRUE; } /* If we get to the end of verified_list and there are any remaining * entries in xserver_list then append them all to the end */ for (; j < tracker->xserver_stack->len; j++) { MetaStackWindow *current = &g_array_index (tracker->xserver_stack, MetaStackWindow, j); g_array_append_val (tracker->verified_stack, *current); modified_stack = TRUE; } if (modified_stack) { if (tracker->predicted_stack) { g_array_free (tracker->predicted_stack, TRUE); tracker->predicted_stack = NULL; } meta_stack_tracker_queue_sync_stack (tracker); } return modified_stack; } static void stack_tracker_event_received (MetaStackTracker *tracker, MetaStackOp *op) { gboolean need_sync = FALSE; gboolean verified; meta_stack_op_dump (op, "Stack op event received: ", "\n"); if (op->any.serial < tracker->xserver_serial) { g_warning ("Spurious X event received affecting stack; doing full re-query"); resync_verified_stack_with_xserver_stack (tracker); meta_stack_tracker_dump (tracker); return; } tracker->xserver_serial = op->any.serial; #warning "TODO: remove unused tracker->xserver_stack" /* XXX: With the design we have ended up with it looks like we've * ended up making it unnecessary to maintain tracker->xserver_stack * since we only need an xserver_stack during the * resync_verified_stack_with_xserver_stack() at which point we are * going to query the full stack from the X server using * XQueryTree() anyway. * * TODO: remove tracker->xserver_stack. */ meta_stack_op_apply (op, tracker->xserver_stack); verified = stack_tracker_verify_predictions (tracker, op, &need_sync); if (!verified) { resync_verified_stack_with_xserver_stack (tracker); meta_stack_tracker_dump (tracker); return; } meta_stack_tracker_dump (tracker); } void meta_stack_tracker_create_event (MetaStackTracker *tracker, XCreateWindowEvent *event) { MetaStackOp op; op.any.type = STACK_OP_ADD; op.any.serial = event->serial; op.add.window.any.type = META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11; op.add.window.x11.xwindow = event->window; stack_tracker_event_received (tracker, &op); } void meta_stack_tracker_destroy_event (MetaStackTracker *tracker, XDestroyWindowEvent *event) { MetaStackOp op; op.any.type = STACK_OP_REMOVE; op.any.serial = event->serial; op.remove.window.any.type = META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11; op.remove.window.x11.xwindow = event->window; stack_tracker_event_received (tracker, &op); } void meta_stack_tracker_reparent_event (MetaStackTracker *tracker, XReparentEvent *event) { if (event->parent == event->event) { MetaStackOp op; op.any.type = STACK_OP_ADD; op.any.serial = event->serial; op.add.window.any.type = META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11; op.add.window.x11.xwindow = event->window; stack_tracker_event_received (tracker, &op); } else { MetaStackOp op; op.any.type = STACK_OP_REMOVE; op.any.serial = event->serial; op.remove.window.any.type = META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11; op.remove.window.x11.xwindow = event->window; stack_tracker_event_received (tracker, &op); } } void meta_stack_tracker_configure_event (MetaStackTracker *tracker, XConfigureEvent *event) { MetaStackOp op; op.any.type = STACK_OP_RAISE_ABOVE; op.any.serial = event->serial; op.raise_above.window.any.type = META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11; op.raise_above.window.x11.xwindow = event->window; op.raise_above.sibling.any.type = META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11; op.raise_above.sibling.x11.xwindow = event->above; stack_tracker_event_received (tracker, &op); } /** * meta_stack_tracker_get_stack: * @tracker: a #MetaStackTracker * @windows: location to store list of windows, or %NULL * @n_windows: location to store count of windows, or %NULL * * @windows will contain the most current view we have of the stacking order * of the children of the root window. The returned array contains * everything: InputOnly windows, override-redirect windows, * hidden windows, etc. Some of these will correspond to MetaWindow * objects, others won't. * * Assuming that no other clients have made requests that change * the stacking order since we last received a notification, the * returned list of windows is exactly that you'd get as the * children when calling XQueryTree() on the root window. */ void meta_stack_tracker_get_stack (MetaStackTracker *tracker, MetaStackWindow **windows, int *n_windows) { GArray *stack; if (tracker->unverified_predictions->length == 0) { stack = tracker->verified_stack; } else { if (tracker->predicted_stack == NULL) { GList *l; tracker->predicted_stack = copy_stack (tracker->verified_stack); for (l = tracker->unverified_predictions->head; l; l = l->next) { MetaStackOp *op = l->data; meta_stack_op_apply (op, tracker->predicted_stack); } } stack = tracker->predicted_stack; } meta_topic (META_DEBUG_STACK, "Get Stack\n"); meta_stack_tracker_dump (tracker); if (windows) *windows = (MetaStackWindow *)stack->data; if (n_windows) *n_windows = stack->len; } /** * meta_stack_tracker_sync_stack: * @tracker: a #MetaStackTracker * * Informs the compositor of the current stacking order of windows, * based on the predicted view maintained by the #MetaStackTracker. */ void meta_stack_tracker_sync_stack (MetaStackTracker *tracker) { MetaStackWindow *windows; GList *meta_windows; int n_windows; int i; if (tracker->sync_stack_later) { meta_later_remove (tracker->sync_stack_later); tracker->sync_stack_later = 0; } meta_stack_tracker_get_stack (tracker, &windows, &n_windows); meta_windows = NULL; for (i = 0; i < n_windows; i++) { MetaStackWindow *window = &windows[i]; if (window->any.type == META_WINDOW_CLIENT_TYPE_X11) { MetaWindow *meta_window = meta_display_lookup_x_window (tracker->screen->display, windows[i].x11.xwindow); /* When mapping back from xwindow to MetaWindow we have to be a bit careful; * children of the root could include unmapped windows created by toolkits * for internal purposes, including ones that we have registered in our * XID => window table. (Wine uses a toplevel for _NET_WM_USER_TIME_WINDOW; * see window-prop.c:reload_net_wm_user_time_window() for registration.) */ if (meta_window && (windows[i].x11.xwindow == meta_window->xwindow || (meta_window->frame && windows[i].x11.xwindow == meta_window->frame->xwindow))) meta_windows = g_list_prepend (meta_windows, meta_window); } else meta_windows = g_list_prepend (meta_windows, window->wayland.meta_window); } if (tracker->screen->display->compositor) meta_compositor_sync_stack (tracker->screen->display->compositor, tracker->screen, meta_windows); g_list_free (meta_windows); meta_screen_restacked (tracker->screen); } static gboolean stack_tracker_sync_stack_later (gpointer data) { meta_stack_tracker_sync_stack (data); return FALSE; } /** * meta_stack_tracker_queue_sync_stack: * @tracker: a #MetaStackTracker * * Queue informing the compositor of the new stacking order before the * next redraw. (See meta_stack_tracker_sync_stack()). This is called * internally when the stack of X windows changes, but also needs be * called directly when we an undecorated window is first shown or * withdrawn since the compositor's stacking order (which contains only * the windows that have a corresponding MetaWindow) will change without * any change to the stacking order of the X windows, if we are creating * or destroying MetaWindows. */ void meta_stack_tracker_queue_sync_stack (MetaStackTracker *tracker) { if (tracker->sync_stack_later == 0) { tracker->sync_stack_later = meta_later_add (META_LATER_SYNC_STACK, stack_tracker_sync_stack_later, tracker, NULL); } }