clutter-fixed Fixed point API Clutter has a fixed point API targeted at platforms without a floating point unit, such as embedded devices. This API should be preferred to the floating point one as it does not trigger the slow path of software emulation, relying on integer math for fixed-to-floating and floating-to-fixed conversion. Number of bits used to store fractional part of #ClutterFixed. #ClutterFixed representation of 1. Maximum number representable by #ClutterFixed. Minumum number representable by #ClutterFixed. #ClutterFixed representation of Pi. #ClutterFixed representation of 2 * Pi. #ClutterFixed representation of Pi/2. #ClutterFixed representation of Pi/4. #ClutterFixed representation of 120. #ClutterFixed representation of 180. #ClutterFixed representation of 240. #ClutterFixed representation of 360. #ClutterFixed representation of 60. #ClutterFixed representation of 255. Alias for #CLUTTER_FIXED_DIV. Alias for #CLUTTER_FIXED_INT. Alias for #CLUTTER_FIXED_MUL. Macro for converting #ClutterFixed to single precission floating point. @x: #ClutterFixed Macro for converting #ClutterFixed to double precission floating point. @x: #ClutterFixed Macro for converting floating point numbers to #ClutterFixed. @x: double or float Macro for converting integers to #ClutterFixed. @x: int Macro to obtain integer part of #ClutterFixed. @x: #ClutterFixed Macro to obtain the fraction of #ClutterFixed. @x: #ClutterFixed Macro to obtain greatest integer smaller than given #ClutterFixed. @x: #ClutterFixed Macro to obtain smallest integer greater than given #ClutterFixed. @x: #ClutterFixed Macro for multiplication of two #ClutterFixed numbers. @x: #ClutterFixed @y: #ClutterFixed Macro for difvision of two #ClutterFixed numbers. @x: #ClutterFixed @y: #ClutterFixed Very fast fixed point cosine function. @x: #ClutterAngle Fast fixed point cosine function. @x: #ClutterFixed @angle: @Returns: @angle: @Returns: @x: @Returns: @x: @Returns: