ClutterBehaviour Class structure. @parent_class: parent class @alpha_notify: Override this virtual function when creating a new behaviour. The alpha notify virtual function is called each time the alpha value computed by the #ClutterAlpha object changes; in this virtual function you should update the properties driven by your behaviour for all the actors to which the behaviour applies. @_clutter_behaviour1: @_clutter_behaviour2: @_clutter_behaviour3: @_clutter_behaviour4: @_clutter_behaviour5: @_clutter_behaviour6: @behave: @actor: @behave: @actor: The function used to iterate on every #ClutterActor to which a behaviour applies. @behaviour: a #ClutterBehaviour @actor: a #ClutterActor @data: optional user data passed to this function @behave: @func: @data: @behave: @Returns: @behave: @Returns: @behave: @index: @Returns: @behave: @Returns: @behave: @alpha: