/* * Clutter. * * An OpenGL based 'interactive canvas' library. * * Copyright (C) 2011 Intel Corporation. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Author: * Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi@linux.intel.com> */ /** * SECTION:clutter-paint-nodes * @Title: Paint Nodes * @Short_Description: ClutterPaintNode implementations * * Clutter provides a set of predefined #ClutterPaintNode implementations * that cover all the state changes available. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #define CLUTTER_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_API #include "clutter-paint-node-private.h" #include <pango/pango.h> #include <cogl/cogl.h> #include "clutter-actor-private.h" #include "clutter-color.h" #include "clutter-debug.h" #include "clutter-private.h" #include "clutter-paint-nodes.h" static CoglPipeline *default_color_pipeline = NULL; static CoglPipeline *default_texture_pipeline = NULL; /*< private > * _clutter_paint_node_init_types: * * Initializes the required types for ClutterPaintNode subclasses */ void _clutter_paint_node_init_types (void) { CoglContext *ctx; CoglColor cogl_color; GType node_type G_GNUC_UNUSED; if (G_LIKELY (default_color_pipeline != NULL)) return; ctx = clutter_backend_get_cogl_context (clutter_get_default_backend ()); node_type = clutter_paint_node_get_type (); cogl_color_init_from_4f (&cogl_color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); default_color_pipeline = cogl_pipeline_new (ctx); cogl_pipeline_set_color (default_color_pipeline, &cogl_color); default_texture_pipeline = cogl_pipeline_new (ctx); cogl_pipeline_set_layer_null_texture (default_texture_pipeline, 0, COGL_TEXTURE_TYPE_2D); cogl_pipeline_set_color (default_texture_pipeline, &cogl_color); cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode (default_texture_pipeline, 0, COGL_PIPELINE_WRAP_MODE_AUTOMATIC); } /* * Root node, private * * any frame can only have a since RootNode instance for each * top-level actor. */ #define clutter_root_node_get_type _clutter_root_node_get_type typedef struct _ClutterRootNode ClutterRootNode; typedef struct _ClutterPaintNodeClass ClutterRootNodeClass; struct _ClutterRootNode { ClutterPaintNode parent_instance; CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer; CoglBufferBit clear_flags; CoglColor clear_color; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (ClutterRootNode, clutter_root_node, CLUTTER_TYPE_PAINT_NODE) static gboolean clutter_root_node_pre_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterRootNode *rnode = (ClutterRootNode *) node; cogl_framebuffer_clear (rnode->framebuffer, rnode->clear_flags, &rnode->clear_color); return TRUE; } static void clutter_root_node_post_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { } static void clutter_root_node_finalize (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterRootNode *rnode = (ClutterRootNode *) node; cogl_object_unref (rnode->framebuffer); CLUTTER_PAINT_NODE_CLASS (clutter_root_node_parent_class)->finalize (node); } static CoglFramebuffer * clutter_root_node_get_framebuffer (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterRootNode *rnode = (ClutterRootNode *) node; return rnode->framebuffer; } static void clutter_root_node_class_init (ClutterRootNodeClass *klass) { ClutterPaintNodeClass *node_class = CLUTTER_PAINT_NODE_CLASS (klass); node_class->pre_draw = clutter_root_node_pre_draw; node_class->post_draw = clutter_root_node_post_draw; node_class->finalize = clutter_root_node_finalize; node_class->get_framebuffer = clutter_root_node_get_framebuffer; } static void clutter_root_node_init (ClutterRootNode *self) { } ClutterPaintNode * _clutter_root_node_new (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer, const ClutterColor *clear_color, CoglBufferBit clear_flags) { ClutterRootNode *res; res = _clutter_paint_node_create (_clutter_root_node_get_type ()); cogl_color_init_from_4ub (&res->clear_color, clear_color->red, clear_color->green, clear_color->blue, clear_color->alpha); cogl_color_premultiply (&res->clear_color); if (G_LIKELY (framebuffer != NULL)) res->framebuffer = cogl_object_ref (framebuffer); else res->framebuffer = cogl_object_ref (cogl_get_draw_framebuffer ()); res->clear_flags = clear_flags; return (ClutterPaintNode *) res; } /* * Transform node * * A private PaintNode, that changes the modelview of its child * nodes. */ #define clutter_transform_node_get_type _clutter_transform_node_get_type typedef struct _ClutterTransformNode { ClutterPaintNode parent_instance; CoglMatrix modelview; } ClutterTransformNode; typedef struct _ClutterPaintNodeClass ClutterTransformNodeClass; G_DEFINE_TYPE (ClutterTransformNode, clutter_transform_node, CLUTTER_TYPE_PAINT_NODE) static gboolean clutter_transform_node_pre_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterTransformNode *tnode = (ClutterTransformNode *) node; CoglMatrix matrix; cogl_push_matrix (); cogl_get_modelview_matrix (&matrix); cogl_matrix_multiply (&matrix, &matrix, &tnode->modelview); cogl_set_modelview_matrix (&matrix); return TRUE; } static void clutter_transform_node_post_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { cogl_pop_matrix (); } static void clutter_transform_node_class_init (ClutterTransformNodeClass *klass) { ClutterPaintNodeClass *node_class; node_class = CLUTTER_PAINT_NODE_CLASS (klass); node_class->pre_draw = clutter_transform_node_pre_draw; node_class->post_draw = clutter_transform_node_post_draw; } static void clutter_transform_node_init (ClutterTransformNode *self) { cogl_matrix_init_identity (&self->modelview); } ClutterPaintNode * _clutter_transform_node_new (const CoglMatrix *modelview) { ClutterTransformNode *res; res = _clutter_paint_node_create (_clutter_transform_node_get_type ()); if (modelview != NULL) res->modelview = *modelview; return (ClutterPaintNode *) res; } /* * Dummy node, private * * an empty node, used temporarily until we can drop API compatibility, * and we'll be able to build a full render tree for each frame. */ #define clutter_dummy_node_get_type _clutter_dummy_node_get_type typedef struct _ClutterDummyNode ClutterDummyNode; typedef struct _ClutterPaintNodeClass ClutterDummyNodeClass; struct _ClutterDummyNode { ClutterPaintNode parent_instance; ClutterActor *actor; CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (ClutterDummyNode, clutter_dummy_node, CLUTTER_TYPE_PAINT_NODE) static gboolean clutter_dummy_node_pre_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { return TRUE; } static JsonNode * clutter_dummy_node_serialize (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterDummyNode *dnode = (ClutterDummyNode *) node; JsonBuilder *builder; JsonNode *res; if (dnode->actor == NULL) return json_node_new (JSON_NODE_NULL); builder = json_builder_new (); json_builder_begin_object (builder); json_builder_set_member_name (builder, "actor"); json_builder_add_string_value (builder, _clutter_actor_get_debug_name (dnode->actor)); json_builder_end_object (builder); res = json_builder_get_root (builder); g_object_unref (builder); return res; } static CoglFramebuffer * clutter_dummy_node_get_framebuffer (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterDummyNode *dnode = (ClutterDummyNode *) node; return dnode->framebuffer; } static void clutter_dummy_node_class_init (ClutterDummyNodeClass *klass) { ClutterPaintNodeClass *node_class = CLUTTER_PAINT_NODE_CLASS (klass); node_class->pre_draw = clutter_dummy_node_pre_draw; node_class->serialize = clutter_dummy_node_serialize; node_class->get_framebuffer = clutter_dummy_node_get_framebuffer; } static void clutter_dummy_node_init (ClutterDummyNode *self) { } ClutterPaintNode * _clutter_dummy_node_new (ClutterActor *actor) { ClutterPaintNode *res; ClutterDummyNode *dnode; res = _clutter_paint_node_create (_clutter_dummy_node_get_type ()); dnode = (ClutterDummyNode *) res; dnode->actor = actor; dnode->framebuffer = _clutter_actor_get_active_framebuffer (actor); return res; } /* * Pipeline node */ struct _ClutterPipelineNode { ClutterPaintNode parent_instance; CoglPipeline *pipeline; }; /** * ClutterPipelineNodeClass: * * The `ClutterPipelineNodeClass` structure is an opaque * type whose members cannot be directly accessed. * * Since: 1.10 */ struct _ClutterPipelineNodeClass { ClutterPaintNodeClass parent_class; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (ClutterPipelineNode, clutter_pipeline_node, CLUTTER_TYPE_PAINT_NODE) static void clutter_pipeline_node_finalize (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterPipelineNode *pnode = CLUTTER_PIPELINE_NODE (node); if (pnode->pipeline != NULL) cogl_object_unref (pnode->pipeline); CLUTTER_PAINT_NODE_CLASS (clutter_pipeline_node_parent_class)->finalize (node); } static gboolean clutter_pipeline_node_pre_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterPipelineNode *pnode = CLUTTER_PIPELINE_NODE (node); if (node->operations != NULL && pnode->pipeline != NULL) { cogl_push_source (pnode->pipeline); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void clutter_pipeline_node_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterPipelineNode *pnode = CLUTTER_PIPELINE_NODE (node); CoglFramebuffer *fb; guint i; if (pnode->pipeline == NULL) return; if (node->operations == NULL) return; fb = clutter_paint_node_get_framebuffer (node); for (i = 0; i < node->operations->len; i++) { const ClutterPaintOperation *op; op = &g_array_index (node->operations, ClutterPaintOperation, i); switch (op->opcode) { case PAINT_OP_INVALID: break; case PAINT_OP_TEX_RECT: cogl_rectangle_with_texture_coords (op->op.texrect[0], op->op.texrect[1], op->op.texrect[2], op->op.texrect[3], op->op.texrect[4], op->op.texrect[5], op->op.texrect[6], op->op.texrect[7]); break; case PAINT_OP_PATH: cogl_path_fill (op->op.path); break; case PAINT_OP_PRIMITIVE: cogl_framebuffer_draw_primitive (fb, pnode->pipeline, op->op.primitive); break; } } } static void clutter_pipeline_node_post_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { cogl_pop_source (); } static JsonNode * clutter_pipeline_node_serialize (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterPipelineNode *pnode = CLUTTER_PIPELINE_NODE (node); JsonBuilder *builder; CoglColor color; JsonNode *res; if (pnode->pipeline == NULL) return json_node_new (JSON_NODE_NULL); builder = json_builder_new (); json_builder_begin_object (builder); cogl_pipeline_get_color (pnode->pipeline, &color); json_builder_set_member_name (builder, "color"); json_builder_begin_array (builder); json_builder_add_double_value (builder, cogl_color_get_red (&color)); json_builder_add_double_value (builder, cogl_color_get_green (&color)); json_builder_add_double_value (builder, cogl_color_get_blue (&color)); json_builder_add_double_value (builder, cogl_color_get_alpha (&color)); json_builder_end_array (builder); #if 0 json_builder_set_member_name (builder, "layers"); json_builder_begin_array (builder); cogl_pipeline_foreach_layer (pnode->pipeline, clutter_pipeline_node_serialize_layer, builder); json_builder_end_array (builder); #endif json_builder_end_object (builder); res = json_builder_get_root (builder); g_object_unref (builder); return res; } static void clutter_pipeline_node_class_init (ClutterPipelineNodeClass *klass) { ClutterPaintNodeClass *node_class; node_class = CLUTTER_PAINT_NODE_CLASS (klass); node_class->pre_draw = clutter_pipeline_node_pre_draw; node_class->draw = clutter_pipeline_node_draw; node_class->post_draw = clutter_pipeline_node_post_draw; node_class->finalize = clutter_pipeline_node_finalize; node_class->serialize = clutter_pipeline_node_serialize; } static void clutter_pipeline_node_init (ClutterPipelineNode *self) { } /** * clutter_pipeline_node_new: * @pipeline: (allow-none): a Cogl pipeline state object, or %NULL * * Creates a new #ClutterPaintNode that will use the @pipeline to * paint its contents. * * This function will acquire a reference on the passed @pipeline, * so it is safe to call cogl_object_unref() when it returns. * * Return value: (transfer full): the newly created #ClutterPaintNode. * Use clutter_paint_node_unref() when done. * * Since: 1.10 */ ClutterPaintNode * clutter_pipeline_node_new (CoglPipeline *pipeline) { ClutterPipelineNode *res; g_return_val_if_fail (pipeline == NULL || cogl_is_pipeline (pipeline), NULL); res = _clutter_paint_node_create (CLUTTER_TYPE_PIPELINE_NODE); if (pipeline != NULL) res->pipeline = cogl_object_ref (pipeline); return (ClutterPaintNode *) res; } /* * Color node */ struct _ClutterColorNode { ClutterPipelineNode parent_instance; }; /** * ClutterColorNodeClass: * * The `ClutterColorNodeClass` structure is an * opaque type whose members cannot be directly accessed. * * Since: 1.10 */ struct _ClutterColorNodeClass { ClutterPipelineNodeClass parent_class; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (ClutterColorNode, clutter_color_node, CLUTTER_TYPE_PIPELINE_NODE) static void clutter_color_node_class_init (ClutterColorNodeClass *klass) { } static void clutter_color_node_init (ClutterColorNode *cnode) { ClutterPipelineNode *pnode = CLUTTER_PIPELINE_NODE (cnode); g_assert (default_color_pipeline != NULL); pnode->pipeline = cogl_pipeline_copy (default_color_pipeline); } /** * clutter_color_node_new: * @color: (allow-none): the color to paint, or %NULL * * Creates a new #ClutterPaintNode that will paint a solid color * fill using @color. * * Return value: (transfer full): the newly created #ClutterPaintNode. Use * clutter_paint_node_unref() when done * * Since: 1.10 */ ClutterPaintNode * clutter_color_node_new (const ClutterColor *color) { ClutterPipelineNode *cnode; cnode = _clutter_paint_node_create (CLUTTER_TYPE_COLOR_NODE); if (color != NULL) { CoglColor cogl_color; cogl_color_init_from_4ub (&cogl_color, color->red, color->green, color->blue, color->alpha); cogl_color_premultiply (&cogl_color); cogl_pipeline_set_color (cnode->pipeline, &cogl_color); } return (ClutterPaintNode *) cnode; } /* * Texture node */ struct _ClutterTextureNode { ClutterPipelineNode parent_instance; }; /** * ClutterTextureNodeClass: * * The `ClutterTextureNodeClass` structure is an * opaque type whose members cannot be directly accessed. * * Since: 1.10 */ struct _ClutterTextureNodeClass { ClutterPipelineNodeClass parent_class; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (ClutterTextureNode, clutter_texture_node, CLUTTER_TYPE_PIPELINE_NODE) static void clutter_texture_node_class_init (ClutterTextureNodeClass *klass) { } static void clutter_texture_node_init (ClutterTextureNode *self) { ClutterPipelineNode *pnode = CLUTTER_PIPELINE_NODE (self); g_assert (default_texture_pipeline != NULL); pnode->pipeline = cogl_pipeline_copy (default_texture_pipeline); } static CoglPipelineFilter clutter_scaling_filter_to_cogl_pipeline_filter (ClutterScalingFilter filter) { switch (filter) { case CLUTTER_SCALING_FILTER_NEAREST: return COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_NEAREST; case CLUTTER_SCALING_FILTER_LINEAR: return COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_LINEAR; case CLUTTER_SCALING_FILTER_TRILINEAR: return COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; } return COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_LINEAR; } /** * clutter_texture_node_new: * @texture: a #CoglTexture * @color: (allow-none): a #ClutterColor used for blending, or %NULL * @min_filter: the minification filter for the texture * @mag_filter: the magnification filter for the texture * * Creates a new #ClutterPaintNode that will paint the passed @texture. * * This function will take a reference on @texture, so it is safe to * call cogl_object_unref() on @texture when it returns. * * The @color must not be pre-multiplied with its #ClutterColor.alpha * channel value; if @color is %NULL, a fully opaque white color will * be used for blending. * * Return value: (transfer full): the newly created #ClutterPaintNode. * Use clutter_paint_node_unref() when done * * Since: 1.10 */ ClutterPaintNode * clutter_texture_node_new (CoglTexture *texture, const ClutterColor *color, ClutterScalingFilter min_filter, ClutterScalingFilter mag_filter) { ClutterPipelineNode *tnode; CoglColor cogl_color; CoglPipelineFilter min_f, mag_f; g_return_val_if_fail (cogl_is_texture (texture), NULL); tnode = _clutter_paint_node_create (CLUTTER_TYPE_TEXTURE_NODE); cogl_pipeline_set_layer_texture (tnode->pipeline, 0, texture); min_f = clutter_scaling_filter_to_cogl_pipeline_filter (min_filter); mag_f = clutter_scaling_filter_to_cogl_pipeline_filter (mag_filter); cogl_pipeline_set_layer_filters (tnode->pipeline, 0, min_f, mag_f); if (color != NULL) { cogl_color_init_from_4ub (&cogl_color, color->red, color->green, color->blue, color->alpha); cogl_color_premultiply (&cogl_color); } else cogl_color_init_from_4ub (&cogl_color, 255, 255, 255, 255); cogl_pipeline_set_color (tnode->pipeline, &cogl_color); return (ClutterPaintNode *) tnode; } /* * Text node */ struct _ClutterTextNode { ClutterPaintNode parent_instance; PangoLayout *layout; CoglColor color; }; /** * ClutterTextNodeClass: * * The `ClutterTextNodeClass` structure is an opaque * type whose contents cannot be directly accessed. * * Since: 1.10 */ struct _ClutterTextNodeClass { ClutterPaintNodeClass parent_class; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (ClutterTextNode, clutter_text_node, CLUTTER_TYPE_PAINT_NODE) static void clutter_text_node_finalize (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterTextNode *tnode = CLUTTER_TEXT_NODE (node); if (tnode->layout != NULL) g_object_unref (tnode->layout); CLUTTER_PAINT_NODE_CLASS (clutter_text_node_parent_class)->finalize (node); } static gboolean clutter_text_node_pre_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterTextNode *tnode = CLUTTER_TEXT_NODE (node); return tnode->layout != NULL; } static void clutter_text_node_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterTextNode *tnode = CLUTTER_TEXT_NODE (node); PangoRectangle extents; CoglFramebuffer *fb; guint i; if (node->operations == NULL) return; fb = clutter_paint_node_get_framebuffer (node); pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (tnode->layout, NULL, &extents); for (i = 0; i < node->operations->len; i++) { const ClutterPaintOperation *op; float op_width, op_height; gboolean clipped = FALSE; op = &g_array_index (node->operations, ClutterPaintOperation, i); switch (op->opcode) { case PAINT_OP_TEX_RECT: op_width = op->op.texrect[2] - op->op.texrect[0]; op_height = op->op.texrect[3] - op->op.texrect[1]; /* if the primitive size was smaller than the layout, * we clip the layout when drawin, to avoid spilling * it out */ if (extents.width > op_width || extents.height > op_height) { cogl_framebuffer_push_rectangle_clip (fb, op->op.texrect[0], op->op.texrect[1], op->op.texrect[2], op->op.texrect[3]); clipped = TRUE; } cogl_pango_render_layout (tnode->layout, op->op.texrect[0], op->op.texrect[1], &tnode->color, 0); if (clipped) cogl_framebuffer_pop_clip (fb); break; case PAINT_OP_PATH: case PAINT_OP_PRIMITIVE: case PAINT_OP_INVALID: break; } } } static JsonNode * clutter_text_node_serialize (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterTextNode *tnode = CLUTTER_TEXT_NODE (node); JsonBuilder *builder; JsonNode *res; builder = json_builder_new (); json_builder_begin_object (builder); json_builder_set_member_name (builder, "layout"); if (pango_layout_get_character_count (tnode->layout) > 12) { const char *text = pango_layout_get_text (tnode->layout); char *str; str = g_strndup (text, 12); json_builder_add_string_value (builder, str); g_free (str); } else json_builder_add_string_value (builder, pango_layout_get_text (tnode->layout)); json_builder_set_member_name (builder, "color"); json_builder_begin_array (builder); json_builder_add_double_value (builder, cogl_color_get_red (&tnode->color)); json_builder_add_double_value (builder, cogl_color_get_green (&tnode->color)); json_builder_add_double_value (builder, cogl_color_get_blue (&tnode->color)); json_builder_add_double_value (builder, cogl_color_get_alpha (&tnode->color)); json_builder_end_array (builder); json_builder_end_object (builder); res = json_builder_get_root (builder); g_object_unref (builder); return res; } static void clutter_text_node_class_init (ClutterTextNodeClass *klass) { ClutterPaintNodeClass *node_class = CLUTTER_PAINT_NODE_CLASS (klass); node_class->pre_draw = clutter_text_node_pre_draw; node_class->draw = clutter_text_node_draw; node_class->finalize = clutter_text_node_finalize; node_class->serialize = clutter_text_node_serialize; } static void clutter_text_node_init (ClutterTextNode *self) { cogl_color_init_from_4f (&self->color, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } /** * clutter_text_node_new: * @layout: (allow-none): a #PangoLayout, or %NULL * @color: (allow-none): the color used to paint the layout, * or %NULL * * Creates a new #ClutterPaintNode that will paint a #PangoLayout * with the given color. * * This function takes a reference on the passed @layout, so it * is safe to call g_object_unref() after it returns. * * Return value: (transfer full): the newly created #ClutterPaintNode. * Use clutter_paint_node_unref() when done * * Since: 1.10 */ ClutterPaintNode * clutter_text_node_new (PangoLayout *layout, const ClutterColor *color) { ClutterTextNode *res; g_return_val_if_fail (layout == NULL || PANGO_IS_LAYOUT (layout), NULL); res = _clutter_paint_node_create (CLUTTER_TYPE_TEXT_NODE); if (layout != NULL) res->layout = g_object_ref (layout); if (color != NULL) { cogl_color_init_from_4ub (&res->color, color->red, color->green, color->blue, color->alpha); } return (ClutterPaintNode *) res; } /* * Clip node */ struct _ClutterClipNode { ClutterPaintNode parent_instance; }; /** * ClutterClipNodeClass: * * The `ClutterClipNodeClass` structure is an opaque * type whose members cannot be directly accessed. * * Since: 1.10 */ struct _ClutterClipNodeClass { ClutterPaintNodeClass parent_class; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (ClutterClipNode, clutter_clip_node, CLUTTER_TYPE_PAINT_NODE) static gboolean clutter_clip_node_pre_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { gboolean retval = FALSE; CoglFramebuffer *fb; guint i; if (node->operations == NULL) return FALSE; fb = clutter_paint_node_get_framebuffer (node); for (i = 0; i < node->operations->len; i++) { const ClutterPaintOperation *op; op = &g_array_index (node->operations, ClutterPaintOperation, i); switch (op->opcode) { case PAINT_OP_TEX_RECT: cogl_framebuffer_push_rectangle_clip (fb, op->op.texrect[0], op->op.texrect[1], op->op.texrect[2], op->op.texrect[3]); retval = TRUE; break; case PAINT_OP_PATH: cogl_framebuffer_push_path_clip (fb, op->op.path); retval = TRUE; break; case PAINT_OP_PRIMITIVE: case PAINT_OP_INVALID: break; } } return retval; } static void clutter_clip_node_post_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { CoglFramebuffer *fb; guint i; if (node->operations == NULL) return; fb = clutter_paint_node_get_framebuffer (node); for (i = 0; i < node->operations->len; i++) { const ClutterPaintOperation *op; op = &g_array_index (node->operations, ClutterPaintOperation, i); switch (op->opcode) { case PAINT_OP_PATH: case PAINT_OP_TEX_RECT: cogl_framebuffer_pop_clip (fb); break; case PAINT_OP_PRIMITIVE: case PAINT_OP_INVALID: break; } } } static void clutter_clip_node_class_init (ClutterClipNodeClass *klass) { ClutterPaintNodeClass *node_class; node_class = CLUTTER_PAINT_NODE_CLASS (klass); node_class->pre_draw = clutter_clip_node_pre_draw; node_class->post_draw = clutter_clip_node_post_draw; } static void clutter_clip_node_init (ClutterClipNode *self) { } /** * clutter_clip_node_new: * * Creates a new #ClutterPaintNode that will clip its child * nodes to the 2D regions added to it. * * Return value: (transfer full): the newly created #ClutterPaintNode. * Use clutter_paint_node_unref() when done. * * Since: 1.10 */ ClutterPaintNode * clutter_clip_node_new (void) { return _clutter_paint_node_create (CLUTTER_TYPE_CLIP_NODE); } /* * ClutterLayerNode (private) */ #define clutter_layer_node_get_type _clutter_layer_node_get_type struct _ClutterLayerNode { ClutterPaintNode parent_instance; cairo_rectangle_t viewport; CoglMatrix projection; float fbo_width; float fbo_height; CoglPipeline *state; CoglFramebuffer *offscreen; CoglTexture *texture; guint8 opacity; }; struct _ClutterLayerNodeClass { ClutterPaintNodeClass parent_class; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (ClutterLayerNode, clutter_layer_node, CLUTTER_TYPE_PAINT_NODE) static gboolean clutter_layer_node_pre_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterLayerNode *lnode = (ClutterLayerNode *) node; CoglMatrix matrix; /* if we were unable to create an offscreen buffer for this node, then * we simply ignore it */ if (lnode->offscreen == NULL) return FALSE; /* if no geometry was submitted for this node then we simply ignore it */ if (node->operations == NULL) return FALSE; /* copy the same modelview from the current framebuffer to the one we * are going to use */ cogl_get_modelview_matrix (&matrix); cogl_push_framebuffer (lnode->offscreen); cogl_framebuffer_set_modelview_matrix (lnode->offscreen, &matrix); cogl_framebuffer_set_viewport (lnode->offscreen, lnode->viewport.x, lnode->viewport.y, lnode->viewport.width, lnode->viewport.height); cogl_framebuffer_set_projection_matrix (lnode->offscreen, &lnode->projection); /* clear out the target framebuffer */ cogl_framebuffer_clear4f (lnode->offscreen, COGL_BUFFER_BIT_COLOR | COGL_BUFFER_BIT_DEPTH, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); cogl_push_matrix (); /* every draw operation after this point will happen an offscreen * framebuffer */ return TRUE; } static void clutter_layer_node_post_draw (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterLayerNode *lnode = CLUTTER_LAYER_NODE (node); CoglFramebuffer *fb; guint i; /* switch to the previous framebuffer */ cogl_pop_matrix (); cogl_pop_framebuffer (); fb = cogl_get_draw_framebuffer (); for (i = 0; i < node->operations->len; i++) { const ClutterPaintOperation *op; op = &g_array_index (node->operations, ClutterPaintOperation, i); switch (op->opcode) { case PAINT_OP_INVALID: break; case PAINT_OP_TEX_RECT: /* now we need to paint the texture */ cogl_push_source (lnode->state); cogl_rectangle_with_texture_coords (op->op.texrect[0], op->op.texrect[1], op->op.texrect[2], op->op.texrect[3], op->op.texrect[4], op->op.texrect[5], op->op.texrect[6], op->op.texrect[7]); cogl_pop_source (); break; case PAINT_OP_PATH: cogl_push_source (lnode->state); cogl_path_fill (op->op.path); cogl_pop_source (); break; case PAINT_OP_PRIMITIVE: cogl_framebuffer_draw_primitive (fb, lnode->state, op->op.primitive); break; } } } static void clutter_layer_node_finalize (ClutterPaintNode *node) { ClutterLayerNode *lnode = CLUTTER_LAYER_NODE (node); if (lnode->state != NULL) cogl_object_unref (lnode->state); if (lnode->offscreen != NULL) cogl_object_unref (lnode->offscreen); CLUTTER_PAINT_NODE_CLASS (clutter_layer_node_parent_class)->finalize (node); } static void clutter_layer_node_class_init (ClutterLayerNodeClass *klass) { ClutterPaintNodeClass *node_class; node_class = CLUTTER_PAINT_NODE_CLASS (klass); node_class->pre_draw = clutter_layer_node_pre_draw; node_class->post_draw = clutter_layer_node_post_draw; node_class->finalize = clutter_layer_node_finalize; } static void clutter_layer_node_init (ClutterLayerNode *self) { cogl_matrix_init_identity (&self->projection); } /* * clutter_layer_node_new: * @projection: the projection matrix to use to set up the layer * @viewport: (type cairo.Rectangle): the viewport to use to set up the layer * @width: the width of the layer * @height: the height of the layer * @opacity: the opacity to be used when drawing the layer * * Creates a new #ClutterLayerNode. * * All children of this node will be painted inside a separate * framebuffer; the framebuffer will then be painted using the * given @opacity. * * Return value: (transfer full): the newly created #ClutterLayerNode. * Use clutter_paint_node_unref() when done. * * Since: 1.10 */ ClutterPaintNode * _clutter_layer_node_new (const CoglMatrix *projection, const cairo_rectangle_t *viewport, float width, float height, guint8 opacity) { ClutterLayerNode *res; CoglColor color; res = _clutter_paint_node_create (CLUTTER_TYPE_LAYER_NODE); res->projection = *projection; res->viewport = *viewport; res->fbo_width = width; res->fbo_height = height; res->opacity = opacity; /* the texture backing the FBO */ res->texture = cogl_texture_new_with_size (MAX (res->fbo_width, 1), MAX (res->fbo_height, 1), COGL_TEXTURE_NO_SLICING, COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888_PRE); res->offscreen = COGL_FRAMEBUFFER (cogl_offscreen_new_to_texture (res->texture)); if (res->offscreen == NULL) { g_critical ("%s: Unable to create an offscreen buffer", G_STRLOC); cogl_object_unref (res->texture); res->texture = NULL; goto out; } cogl_color_init_from_4ub (&color, opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity); /* the pipeline used to paint the texture; we use nearest * interpolation filters because the texture is always * going to be painted at a 1:1 texel:pixel ratio */ res->state = cogl_pipeline_copy (default_texture_pipeline); cogl_pipeline_set_layer_filters (res->state, 0, COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_NEAREST, COGL_PIPELINE_FILTER_NEAREST); cogl_pipeline_set_layer_texture (res->state, 0, res->texture); cogl_pipeline_set_color (res->state, &color); cogl_object_unref (res->texture); out: return (ClutterPaintNode *) res; }