Matthew Allum
Creating Animations with Clutter Clutter has a powerful and flexible framework for animating actors. The basis of which is the #ClutterTimeline class which reprents a period of time in frames. A #ClutterTimeline takes two parameters, a total number of frames and a frame rate (in frames per second). Once created, a signal ("new-frame") can be attached and then on starting (clutter_timeline_start()) the signal callback wil be called every time a new frame is reached. With the callback also receiving the current frame number this information can be used to modify actor properties and thus produce an animation. The following example demonstrates rotating an actor with a timeline. #include <clutter/clutter.h> void on_new_frame (ClutterTimeline *timeline, gint frame_num, gpointer data) { ClutterActor *actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR(data); clutter_actor_rotate_z (actor, (gdouble)frame_num, clutter_actor_get_width (actor)/2, clutter_actor_get_height (actor)/2); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ClutterTimeline *timeline; ClutterActor *stage, *actor; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; clutter_init (&argc, &argv); stage = clutter_stage_get_default (); pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file ("an-image.png", NULL); actor = clutter_texture_new_from_pixbuf (pixbuf); clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (stage), actor); clutter_actor_set_position (actor, 100, 100); timeline = clutter_timeline_new (360, 60); /* num frames, fps */ g_object_set(timeline, "loop", TRUE, NULL); /* have it loop */ g_signal_connect (timeline, "new-frame", G_CALLBACK (on_new_frame), actor); clutter_actor_show_all (stage); clutter_timeline_start (timeline); clutter_main(); return 0; } Timelines will 'drop' frames if it appears the application cannot keep up with the requested framerate. The first and last frames are guaranteed to be called however. Read the #ClutterTimeline documentation for more information on how they can be manipulated. Timelines on there own are useful for simple animations but can be come very unweldy for more complex multiple actor animations. Also they can lead to much code duplication. The #ClutterAlpha and #ClutterBehaviour classes build on timelines to offer further animation functionality and avoid these problems. A #ClutterAlpha is a 'function if time' (note, not pixel alpha!). It is created by passing both a #ClutterTimelime and a #ClutterAlphaFunc. The Alpha then produces a value between 0 and CLUTTER_ALPHA_MAX. This value is dependant on both the position of the Alpha's supplied timeline and the supplied function used by the Alpha. Clutter comes with many predefined #ClutterAlphaFunc's including: #CLUTTER_ALPHA_RAMP_INC - A rising alpha value over time, #CLUTTER_ALPHA_RAMP_DEC - A decreasing alpha value over time, #CLUTTER_ALPHA_SINE, A sinewave etc. A #ClutterBehaviour is then 'driven' by a supplied #ClutterAlpha and when then applied to an actor it will modify a visual property or feature of the actor dependant on the Alpha's value. For example a path based behaviour applied to an actor will alter its position along the path dependant on the current alpha value over time. The actual motion will depend on the chosen #ClutterAlphaFunc - a #CLUTTER_ALPHA_RAMP_INC making it to move at constant speed along the path, a #CLUTTER_ALPHA_SINE making it alternate from one end of the path to the other with non constant speed. The following example demonstrates an ellipse behaviour in action. #include <clutter/clutter.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ClutterTimeline *timeline; ClutterBehaviour *behave; ClutterAlpha *alpha; ClutterActor *stage, *actor; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; clutter_init (&argc, &argv); stage = clutter_stage_get_default (); pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file ("ohpowers.png", NULL); actor = clutter_texture_new_from_pixbuf (pixbuf); clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (stage), actor); timeline = clutter_timeline_new (100, 26); /* num frames, fps */ g_object_set(timeline, "loop", TRUE, NULL); /* have it loop */ /* Set an alpha func to power behaviour */ alpha = clutter_alpha_new_full (timeline, CLUTTER_ALPHA_SINE, NULL, NULL); behave = clutter_behaviour_ellipse_new (alpha, 200, /* center x */ 200, /* center y */ 400, /* width */ 300, /* height */ CLUTTER_ROTATE_CW, /* direction */ 0.0, /* angle begin */ 360.0); /* angle end */ clutter_behaviour_apply (behave, actor); clutter_actor_show_all (stage); clutter_timeline_start (timeline); clutter_main(); return 0; } Multiple behaviours can of course be applied to an actor as well as a single behaviour being applied to multiple actors. The separation of timelines, alphas and behaviours allows for a single timeline to drive many behaviours each potentially using different alpha functions. Properties of the behaviour, alpha and timeline can be changed on the fly making animations. Experiment! ClutterEffects provide a simpler (but more limited) layer around the above. FIXME.