<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC '-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN' 'http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd'> <node> <!-- org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig: @short_description: display configuration interface This interface is used by mutter and gnome-settings-daemon to apply multiple monitor configuration. --> <interface name="org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig"> <!-- GetResources: @serial: configuration serial @crtcs: available CRTCs @outputs: available outputs @modes: available modes @max_screen_width: @max_screen_height: Retrieves the current layout of the hardware. @serial is an unique identifier representing the current state of the screen. It must be passed back to ApplyConfiguration() and will be increased for every configuration change (so that mutter can detect that the new configuration is based on old state). A CRTC (CRT controller) is a logical monitor, ie a portion of the compositor coordinate space. It might correspond to multiple monitors, when in clone mode, but not that it is possible to implement clone mode also by setting different CRTCs to the same coordinates. The number of CRTCs represent the maximum number of monitors that can be set to expand and it is a HW constraint; if more monitors are connected, then necessarily some will clone. This is complementary to the concept of the encoder (not exposed in the API), which groups outputs that necessarily will show the same image (again a HW constraint). A CRTC is represented by a DBus structure with the following layout: * u ID: the ID in the API of this CRTC * x winsys_id: the low-level ID of this CRTC (which might be a XID, a KMS handle or something entirely different) * i x, y, width, height: the geometry of this CRTC (might be invalid if the CRTC is not in use) * i current_mode: the current mode of the CRTC, or -1 if this CRTC is not used Note: the size of the mode will always correspond to the width and height of the CRTC * u current_transform: the current transform (espressed according to the wayland protocol) * au transforms: all possible transforms * a{sv} properties: other high-level properties that affect this CRTC; they are not necessarily reflected in the hardware. No property is specified in this version of the API. Note: all geometry information refers to the untransformed display. An output represents a physical screen, connected somewhere to the computer. Floating connectors are not exposed in the API. An output is a DBus struct with the following fields: * u ID: the ID in the API * x winsys_id: the low-level ID of this output (XID or KMS handle) * i current_crtc: the CRTC that is currently driving this output, or -1 if the output is disabled * au possible_crtcs: all CRTCs that can control this output * s name: the name of the connector to which the output is attached (like VGA1 or HDMI) * au modes: valid modes for this output * au clones: valid clones for this output, ie other outputs that can be assigned the same CRTC as this one; if you want to mirror two outputs that don't have each other in the clone list, you must configure two different CRTCs for the same geometry * a{sv} properties: other high-level properties that affect this output; they are not necessarily reflected in the hardware. Known properties: - "vendor" (s): (readonly) the human readable name of the manufacturer - "product" (s): (readonly) the human readable name of the display model - "serial" (s): (readonly) the serial number of this particular hardware part - "display-name" (s): (readonly) a human readable name of this output, to be shown in the UI - "backlight" (i): (readonly, use the specific interface) the backlight value as a percentage (-1 if not supported) - "primary" (b): whether this output is primary or not - "presentation" (b): whether this output is for presentation only Note: properties might be ignored if not consistently applied to all outputs in the same clone group. In general, it's expected that presentation or primary outputs will not be cloned. A mode represents a set of parameters that are applied to each output, such as resolution and refresh rate. It is a separate object so that it can be referenced by CRTCs and outputs. Multiple outputs in the same CRTCs must all have the same mode. A mode is exposed as: * u ID: the ID in the API * x winsys_id: the low-level ID of this mode * u width, height: the resolution * d frequency: refresh rate * u flags: mode flags as defined in xf86drmMode.h and randr.h Output and modes are read-only objects (except for output properties), they can change only in accordance to HW changes (such as hotplugging a monitor), while CRTCs can be changed with ApplyConfiguration(). XXX: actually, if you insist enough, you can add new modes through xrandr command line or the KMS API, overriding what the kernel driver and the EDID say. Usually, it only matters with old cards with broken drivers, or old monitors with broken EDIDs, but it happens more often with projectors (if for example the kernel driver doesn't add the 640x480 - 800x600 - 1024x768 default modes). Probably something that we need to handle in mutter anyway. --> <method name="GetResources"> <arg name="serial" direction="out" type="u" /> <arg name="crtcs" direction="out" type="a(uxiiiiiuaua{sv})" /> <arg name="outputs" direction="out" type="a(uxiausauaua{sv})" /> <arg name="modes" direction="out" type="a(uxuudu)" /> <arg name="max_screen_width" direction="out" type="i" /> <arg name="max_screen_height" direction="out" type="i" /> </method> <!-- ApplyConfiguration: @serial: configuration serial @persistent: whether this configuration should be saved on disk @crtcs: new data for CRTCs @outputs: new data for outputs Applies the requested configuration changes. @serial must match the serial from the last GetResources() call, or org.freedesktop.DBus.AccessDenied will be generated. If @persistent is true, mutter will attempt to replicate this configuration the next time this HW layout appears. @crtcs represents the new logical configuration, as a list of structures containing: - u ID: the API ID from the corresponding GetResources() call - i new_mode: the API ID of the new mode to configure the CRTC with, or -1 if the CRTC should be disabled - i x, y: the new coordinates of the top left corner the geometry will be completed with the size information from @new_mode - u transform: the desired transform - au outputs: the API ID of outputs that should be assigned to this CRTC - a{sv} properties: properties whose value should be changed Note: CRTCs not referenced in the array will be disabled. @outputs represent the output property changes as: - u ID: the API ID of the output to change - a{sv} properties: properties whose value should be changed Note: both for CRTCs and outputs, properties not included in the dictionary will not be changed. Note: unrecognized properties will have no effect, but if the configuration change succeeds the property will be reported by the next GetResources() call, and if @persistent is true, it will also be saved to disk. If the configuration is invalid according to the previous GetResources() call, for example because a CRTC references an output it cannot drive, or not all outputs support the chosen mode, the error org.freedesktop.DBus.InvalidArgs will be generated. If the configuration cannot be applied for any other reason (eg. the screen size would exceed texture limits), the error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.LimitsExceeded will be generated. --> <method name="ApplyConfiguration"> <arg name="serial" direction="in" type="u" /> <arg name="persistent" direction="in" type="b" /> <arg name="crtcs" direction="in" type="a(uiiiuaua{sv})" /> <arg name="outputs" direction="in" type="a(ua{sv})" /> </method> <!-- ChangeBacklight: @serial: configuration serial @output: the API id of the output @value: the new backlight value Changes the backlight of @output to @value, which is expressed as a percentage and rounded to the HW limits. Returns the new value after rounding. --> <method name="ChangeBacklight"> <arg name="serial" direction="in" type="u" /> <arg name="output" direction="in" type="u" /> <arg name="value" direction="in" type="i" /> <arg name="new_value" direction="out" type="i" /> </method> <!-- GetCrtcGamma: @serial: configuration serial @crtc: API id of the crtc @red: red gamma ramp @green: green gamma ramp @blue: blue gamma ramp Requests the current gamma ramps of @crtc. --> <method name="GetCrtcGamma"> <arg name="serial" direction="in" type="u" /> <arg name="crtc" direction="in" type="u" /> <arg name="red" direction="out" type="aq" /> <arg name="green" direction="out" type="aq" /> <arg name="blue" direction="out" type="aq" /> </method> <!-- SetCrtcGamma: @serial: configuration serial @crtc: API id of the crtc @red: red gamma ramp @green: green gamma ramp @blue: blue gamma ramp Changes the gamma ramps of @crtc. --> <method name="SetCrtcGamma"> <arg name="serial" direction="in" type="u" /> <arg name="crtc" direction="in" type="u" /> <arg name="red" direction="in" type="aq" /> <arg name="green" direction="in" type="aq" /> <arg name="blue" direction="in" type="aq" /> </method> <!-- PowerSaveMode: Contains the current power saving mode for the screen, and allows changing it. Possible values: - 0: on - 1: standby - 2: suspend - 3: off - -1: unknown (unsupported) A client should not attempt to change the powersave mode from -1 (unknown) to any other value, and viceversa. Note that the actual effects of the different values depend on the hardware and the kernel driver in use, and it's perfectly possible that all values different than on have the same effect. Also, setting the PowerSaveMode to 3 (off) may or may not have the same effect as disabling all outputs by setting no CRTC on them with ApplyConfiguration(), and may or may not cause a configuration change. Also note that this property might become out of date if changed through different means (for example using the XRandR interface directly). --> <property name="PowerSaveMode" type="i" access="readwrite" /> <!-- PanelOrientationManaged: Whether the built-in panel orientation is automatically managed by mutter. --> <property name="PanelOrientationManaged" type="b" access="read" /> <!-- ApplyMonitorsConfigAllowed: Whether calling the ApplyMonitorsConfig method is allowed. --> <property name="ApplyMonitorsConfigAllowed" type="b" access="read" /> <!-- NightLightSupported: Whether night light is supported by this system. --> <property name="NightLightSupported" type="b" access="read" /> <!-- MonitorsChanged: The signal is emitted every time the screen configuration changes. The client should then call GetResources() to read the new layout. --> <signal name="MonitorsChanged" /> <!-- GetCurrentState: @serial: configuration serial @monitors: available monitors @logical_monitors: current logical monitor configuration @properties: display configuration properties @monitors represent connected physical monitors * s connector: connector name (e.g. HDMI-1, DP-1, etc) * s vendor: vendor name * s product: product name * s serial: product serial * a(siiddada{sv}) modes: available modes * s id: mode ID * i width: width in physical pixels * i height: height in physical pixels * d refresh rate: refresh rate * d preferred scale: scale preferred as per calculations * ad supported scales: scales supported by this mode * a{sv} properties: optional properties, including: - "is-current" (b): the mode is currently active mode - "is-preferred" (b): the mode is the preferred mode - "is-interlaced" (b): the mode is an interlaced mode - "refresh-rate-mode" (s): the refresh rate mode, either "variable" or "fixed" (absence of this means "fixed") * a{sv} properties: optional properties, including: - "width-mm" (i): physical width of monitor in millimeters - "height-mm" (i): physical height of monitor in millimeters - "is-underscanning" (b): whether underscanning is enabled (absence of this means underscanning not being supported) - "max-screen-size" (ii): the maximum size a screen may have (absence of this means unlimited screen size) - "is-builtin" (b): whether the monitor is built in, e.g. a laptop panel (absence of this means it is not built in) - "display-name" (s): a human readable display name of the monitor - "privacy-screen-state" (bb): the state of the privacy screen (absence of this means it is not being supported) first value indicates whether it's enabled and second value whether it's hardware locked (and so can't be changed via gsettings) - "min-refresh-rate" (i): minimum refresh rate of monitor when Variable Refresh Rate is active (absence of this means unknown) Possible mode flags: 1 : preferred mode 2 : current mode @logical_monitors represent current logical monitor configuration * i x: x position * i y: y position * d scale: scale * u transform: transform (see below) * b primary: true if this is the primary logical monitor * a(sss) monitors: monitors displaying this logical monitor * connector: name of the connector (e.g. DP-1, eDP-1 etc) * vendor: vendor name * product: product name * serial: product serial * a{sv} properties: possibly other properties Posisble transform values: 0: normal 1: 90° 2: 180° 3: 270° 4: flipped 5: 90° flipped 6: 180° flipped 7: 270° flipped @layout_mode current layout mode represents the way logical monitors are laid out on the screen. Possible modes include: 1 : logical 2 : physical With physical layout mode, each logical monitor has the same dimensions as the monitor modes of the associated monitors assigned to it, no matter what scale is in use. With logical mode, the dimension of a logical monitor is the dimension of the monitor mode, divided by the logical monitor scale. Possible @properties are: * "layout-mode" (u): Represents in what way logical monitors are laid out on the screen. The layout mode can be either of the ones listed below. Absence of this property means the layout mode cannot be changed, and that "logical" mode is assumed to be used. * 1 : logical - the dimension of a logical monitor is derived from the monitor modes associated with it, then scaled using the logical monitor scale. * 2 : physical - the dimension of a logical monitor is derived from the monitor modes associated with it. * "supports-changing-layout-mode" (b): True if the layout mode can be changed. Absence of this means the layout mode cannot be changed. * "global-scale-required" (b): True if all the logical monitors must always use the same scale. Absence of this means logical monitor scales can differ. * "legacy-ui-scaling-factor" (i): The legacy scaling factor traditionally used to scale X11 clients (commonly communicated via the Gdk/WindowScalingFactor XSetting entry). --> <method name="GetCurrentState"> <arg name="serial" direction="out" type="u" /> <arg name="monitors" direction="out" type="a((ssss)a(siiddada{sv})a{sv})" /> <arg name="logical_monitors" direction="out" type="a(iiduba(ssss)a{sv})" /> <arg name="properties" direction="out" type="a{sv}" /> </method> <!-- ApplyMonitorsConfig: @serial: configuration serial @method: configuration method @logical_monitors: monitors configuration @properties: properties @method represents the way the configuration should be handled. Possible methods: 0: verify 1: temporary 2: persistent @logical_monitors consists of a list of logical monitor configurations. Each logical monitor configuration consists of: * i: layout x position * i: layout y position * d: scale * u: transform (see GetCurrentState) * b primary: true if this is the primary logical monitor * a(ssa{sv}): a list of monitors, each consisting of: * s: connector * s: monitor mode ID * a{sv}: monitor properties, including: - "enable_underscanning" (b): enable monitor underscanning; may only be set when underscanning is supported (see GetCurrentState). @properties may effect the global monitor configuration state. Possible properties are: * "layout-mode" (u): layout mode the passed configuration is in; may only be set when changing the layout mode is supported (see GetCurrentState). --> <method name="ApplyMonitorsConfig"> <arg name="serial" direction="in" type="u" /> <arg name="method" direction="in" type="u" /> <arg name="logical_monitors" direction="in" type="a(iiduba(ssa{sv}))" /> <arg name="properties" direction="in" type="a{sv}" /> </method> <!-- SetOutputCTM: @serial: configuration serial @output: API id of the output @ctm: 3x3 matrix in fixed-point sign-magnitude S31.32 Changes the color transform matrix of @output --> <method name="SetOutputCTM"> <arg name="serial" direction="in" type="u" /> <arg name="output" direction="in" type="u" /> <arg name="ctm" direction="in" type="(ttttttttt)" /> </method> </interface> </node>