/* Metacity X window decorations */ /* * Copyright (C) 2001 Havoc Pennington * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "frame.h" #include "errors.h" static void meta_frame_init_info (MetaFrame *frame, MetaFrameInfo *info) { info->flags = 0; info->frame = frame->xwindow; info->display = frame->window->display->xdisplay; info->screen = frame->window->screen->xscreen; info->visual = frame->window->xvisual; info->depth = frame->window->depth; info->title = frame->window->title; info->width = frame->rect.width; info->height = frame->rect.height; } void meta_window_ensure_frame (MetaWindow *window) { MetaFrame *frame; int child_x, child_y; unsigned long background_pixel; XSetWindowAttributes attrs; MetaFrameInfo info; MetaFrameGeometry geom; if (window->frame) return; frame = g_new (MetaFrame, 1); frame->window = window; /* Fill these in for the theme engine's benefit */ frame->xwindow = None; frame->rect.width = window->rect.width; frame->rect.height = window->rect.height; meta_frame_init_info (frame, &info); geom.left_width = 0; geom.right_width = 0; geom.top_height = 0; geom.bottom_height = 0; geom.background_pixel = BlackPixel (frame->window->display->xdisplay, frame->window->screen->number); geom.shape_mask = None; frame->theme_data = window->screen->engine->acquire_frame (&info); window->screen->engine->fill_frame_geometry (&info, &geom, frame->theme_data); child_x = geom.left_width; child_y = geom.top_height; frame->rect.width = window->rect.width + geom.left_width + geom.right_width; frame->rect.height = window->rect.height + geom.top_height + geom.bottom_height; background_pixel = geom.background_pixel; switch (window->size_hints.win_gravity) { case NorthWestGravity: frame->rect.x = window->rect.x; frame->rect.y = window->rect.y; break; case NorthGravity: frame->rect.x = window->rect.x - frame->rect.width / 2; frame->rect.y = window->rect.y; break; case NorthEastGravity: frame->rect.x = window->rect.x - frame->rect.width; frame->rect.y = window->rect.y; break; case WestGravity: frame->rect.x = window->rect.x; frame->rect.y = window->rect.y - frame->rect.height / 2; break; case CenterGravity: frame->rect.x = window->rect.x - frame->rect.width / 2; frame->rect.y = window->rect.y - frame->rect.height / 2; break; case EastGravity: frame->rect.x = window->rect.x - frame->rect.width; frame->rect.y = window->rect.y - frame->rect.height / 2; break; case SouthWestGravity: frame->rect.x = window->rect.x; frame->rect.y = window->rect.y - frame->rect.height; break; case SouthGravity: frame->rect.x = window->rect.x - frame->rect.width / 2; frame->rect.y = window->rect.y - frame->rect.height; break; case SouthEastGravity: frame->rect.x = window->rect.x - frame->rect.width; frame->rect.y = window->rect.y - frame->rect.height; break; case StaticGravity: default: frame->rect.x = window->rect.x - child_x; frame->rect.y = window->rect.y - child_y; break; } meta_verbose ("Creating frame %d,%d %dx%d around window 0x%lx %d,%d %dx%d with child position inside frame %d,%d and gravity %d\n", frame->rect.x, frame->rect.y, frame->rect.width, frame->rect.height, window->xwindow, window->rect.x, window->rect.y, window->rect.width, window->rect.height, child_x, child_y, window->size_hints.win_gravity); attrs.background_pixel = background_pixel; attrs.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | PointerMotionHintMask; frame->xwindow = XCreateWindow (window->display->xdisplay, window->screen->xroot, frame->rect.x, frame->rect.y, frame->rect.width, frame->rect.height, 0, window->depth, InputOutput, window->xvisual, CWBackPixel | CWEventMask, &attrs); meta_verbose ("Frame is 0x%lx\n", frame->xwindow); frame->action = META_FRAME_ACTION_NONE; frame->last_x = 0; frame->last_y = 0; frame->start_button = 0; meta_display_register_x_window (window->display, &frame->xwindow, window); /* Reparent the client window; it may be destroyed, * thus the error trap. We'll get a destroy notify later * and free everything. Comment in FVWM source code says * we need the server grab or the child can get its MapNotify * before we've finished reparenting and getting the decoration * window onscreen. */ meta_display_grab (window->display); meta_error_trap_push (window->display); XReparentWindow (window->display->xdisplay, window->xwindow, frame->xwindow, child_x, child_y); meta_error_trap_pop (window->display); /* stick frame to the window */ window->frame = frame; if (window->iconic) meta_window_hide (window); else meta_window_show (window); /* Ungrab server */ meta_display_ungrab (window->display); } void meta_window_destroy_frame (MetaWindow *window) { MetaFrame *frame; MetaFrameInfo info; if (window->frame == NULL) return; frame = window->frame; if (frame->theme_data) { meta_frame_init_info (frame, &info); window->screen->engine->release_frame (&info, frame->theme_data); } /* Unparent the client window; it may be destroyed, * thus the error trap. */ meta_error_trap_push (window->display); XReparentWindow (window->display->xdisplay, window->xwindow, window->screen->xroot, /* FIXME where to put it back depends on the gravity */ window->frame->rect.x, window->frame->rect.y); meta_error_trap_pop (window->display); meta_display_unregister_x_window (window->display, frame->xwindow); window->frame = NULL; /* should we push an error trap? */ XDestroyWindow (window->display->xdisplay, frame->xwindow); g_free (frame); } void meta_frame_move (MetaFrame *frame, int root_x, int root_y) { frame->rect.x = root_x; frame->rect.y = root_y; XMoveWindow (frame->window->display->xdisplay, frame->xwindow, root_x, root_y); } static void frame_query_root_pointer (MetaFrame *frame, int *x, int *y) { Window root_return, child_return; int root_x_return, root_y_return; int win_x_return, win_y_return; unsigned int mask_return; XQueryPointer (frame->window->display->xdisplay, frame->xwindow, &root_return, &child_return, &root_x_return, &root_y_return, &win_x_return, &win_y_return, &mask_return); if (x) *x = root_x_return; if (y) *y = root_y_return; } static MetaFrameControl frame_get_control (MetaFrame *frame, int x, int y) { MetaFrameInfo info; meta_frame_init_info (frame, &info); return frame->window->screen->engine->get_control (&info, x, y, frame->theme_data); } gboolean meta_frame_event (MetaFrame *frame, XEvent *event) { switch (event->type) { case KeyPress: break; case KeyRelease: break; case ButtonPress: if (frame->action == META_FRAME_ACTION_NONE) { MetaFrameControl control; control = frame_get_control (frame, event->xbutton.x, event->xbutton.y); if (((control == META_FRAME_CONTROL_TITLE || control == META_FRAME_CONTROL_NONE) && event->xbutton.button == 1) || event->xbutton.button == 2) { meta_verbose ("Begin move on %s\n", frame->window->desc); frame->action = META_FRAME_ACTION_MOVING; frame->last_x = event->xbutton.x_root; frame->last_y = event->xbutton.y_root; frame->start_button = event->xbutton.button; } else if (control == META_FRAME_CONTROL_DELETE && event->xbutton.button == 1) { /* FIXME delete event */ meta_verbose ("Close control clicked on %s\n", frame->window->desc); } else if (control == META_FRAME_CONTROL_RESIZE_SE && event->xbutton.button == 1) { /* FIXME begin a resize */ meta_verbose ("Resize control clicked on %s\n", frame->window->desc); } } break; case ButtonRelease: if (event->xbutton.button == frame->start_button) { frame->action = META_FRAME_ACTION_NONE; } break; case MotionNotify: switch (frame->action) { case META_FRAME_ACTION_MOVING: { int x, y; int new_x, new_y; frame_query_root_pointer (frame, &x, &y); new_x = frame->rect.x + (x - frame->last_x); new_y = frame->rect.y + (y - frame->last_y); frame->last_x = x; frame->last_y = y; meta_frame_move (frame, new_x, new_y); } break; default: break; } break; case EnterNotify: break; case LeaveNotify: break; case FocusIn: break; case FocusOut: break; case KeymapNotify: break; case Expose: { MetaFrameInfo info; meta_frame_init_info (frame, &info); frame->window->screen->engine->expose_frame (&info, event->xexpose.x, event->xexpose.y, event->xexpose.width, event->xexpose.height, frame->theme_data); } break; case GraphicsExpose: break; case NoExpose: break; case VisibilityNotify: break; case CreateNotify: break; case DestroyNotify: meta_warning ("Unexpected destruction of frame 0x%lx, not sure if this should silently fail or be considered a bug\n", frame->xwindow); meta_error_trap_push (frame->window->display); meta_window_destroy_frame (frame->window); meta_error_trap_pop (frame->window->display); return TRUE; break; case UnmapNotify: frame->action = META_FRAME_ACTION_NONE; break; case MapNotify: frame->action = META_FRAME_ACTION_NONE; break; case MapRequest: break; case ReparentNotify: break; case ConfigureNotify: break; case ConfigureRequest: break; case GravityNotify: break; case ResizeRequest: break; case CirculateNotify: break; case CirculateRequest: break; case PropertyNotify: break; case SelectionClear: break; case SelectionRequest: break; case SelectionNotify: break; case ColormapNotify: break; case ClientMessage: break; case MappingNotify: break; default: break; } return FALSE; }